New Member
an attempt at a first time grow this summer in the twin cities area. Any tips or suggestions? Or questions that could lead to tips or suggestions?
noob trying to be informative...u gathered all that info in your first month here huh?Make sure your seeds are specific to outdoor, possible cooler temp exposure, also make sure the flowering period is at very most 10 weeks, prefer 8 weeks tho get those ladies out before october that way. start them indoor for 4 weeks or longer, then put em outdoors around may or june (when it’s consistently warmer outside for extended periods of time 45-55 degrees for a week or more) you can use 5 gallon buckets if you wanna be able to move em at moments notice, otherwise raised beds are a good medium. any other questions?
solid adviceI am at 46 latitude, my advice is don't let a couple of September frosts scare ya into chopping too early. Check for mould as often as you can. I made it to the middle of October last year. Good luck!!