need help on pc fan wiring

Please do not give info related to cell phone chargers
OK so having a llittle issue I housed a ballast kit in a project box everything works fine yay.

Problem is its getting warm and i want to vent it so i got a hardrive cooler with 2 fans fliped one over so one will blow in one will suck out

To do this I I want to wire in a 12v laptop charger

OK so now for the questions first
The power supply has 3 wires 12v 5v and ground nice of the adapter to include this info problem is they are colored red white yellow .... no black
I think but need reassurance that yellow is 12 red is 5 white is ground is this correct to assume ?
If so to run at 12v I would wire yellow on charger to red on fan and white on charger black to fan is this correct?

Second trting to keep this contained quite small so id like to wire the laptop power supply into the existing cord can this be achieved by wireing in the red black green into the red black green on the power cord before it goes into the ballast internals in parallel so both would receive 12v,

Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
Yo mate, personally I wouldn't use a laptop charger, the ampage may be too high, i use mobile phone chargers, 12V DC 1 Amp max, two wires, the one with a broken white stripe is the live.

they can be connected to a molex pc plug (the 4 pin white connectors on the pc fans) aswell for easy changing of fans.


Wouldn't the higher amperage rating be better . Y would the amps matter is it not volts that control power and amps are the surge .

The higher amp rating to my knowledge would not trip if the motors surged in power

Alpha & Omega

Well-Known Member
yeah your bang on, all depends on how powerful those pc fans are, some are higher rated ampage/wattage then others,

nothing to loose by having a go tho, wont blow anything up. just wont work if wrong way round.

try the 5v one first tho. may aswell.


Active Member
Listen anyone who does electrical with out first obtaining a cheep multi meter should not be fooling around with electrical equipment .
You know when you don't have a tool so u go out and buy it only to lose if for the next time u need that's me with everything i own about 6 meters but can't find one of them looked all day (multimeter can read voltage to not just amps or ohms)


Active Member
So if a multi meter only reads voltage ,then why is it called a multi meter, if what you are saying is true then why is it not called a Volt meter.

A cheep multi meter can read a/c volts dc volts ac amps DC amps and Ohms from 200 2m , I mean if y owned a multi meter you would know that