Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Of course you think so. You have no answers to what I said that could even come close to being a legit answer. So therefore I must be a hater. My contribution is to call out the bullshit. Because I am smart enough to keep my activities under my hat means nothing. I watch. I read. I observe the idiotic shit that people like you post and it has zero impact in my life. You have over 6k in posts because this is all you know. This is all you will ever have. And in the grand scheme of things, that isn't shit. So say in about 5 years when it is legal everywhere and those that are smarter, better financed, and have their shit together take over the industry, where is that going to leave you? Obsolete. That's where. Hate on that.

cool story bro. we love you too ;)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
. So say in about 5 years when it is legal everywhere and those that are smarter, better financed, and have their shit together take over the industry, where is that going to leave you? Obsolete. That's where. Hate on that.

i'm not sure what it is you think I do, but it seems you are confused.

I'm a plumbing and heating contractor. How exactly will my chosen trade become obsolete?

and is "having their shit together" a technical term? Is that a phrase you learned in business school?


Well-Known Member
When we see negative attitudes like yours we attribute it, not to being a successful entrepreneur, rather we lean towards immaturity, jealousy or perhaps some form of socialism that frets at the mere thought of profits derived from growing commercially.

It makes little sense for a successful, business minded individual to waste such energy ranting unless threatened in some manner.


you are a terrible troll.

I mean you are really bad at it.

You need some practice. Politics is where you need to be
Ad hominem attacks and avoiding the points I raised diminishes your position.
But I can see here what this is about. And I am far from trolling. That is a cop-out plain and simple. So keep on with your fantasy and ego stroking circlejerk. All you will ever know is that small little world you live in and know that I laugh hysterically whenever I see you post these homegrown diy Frankenstein contraptions and cry because your crops turn out like shit. And you wonder why you cannot get out of growing out of a closet. HA!


Well-Known Member
Ad hominem attacks and avoiding the points I raised diminishes your position.
But I can see here what this is about. And I am far from trolling. That is a cop-out plain and simple. So keep on with your fantasy and ego stroking circlejerk. All you will ever know is that small little world you live in and know that I laugh hysterically whenever I see you post these homegrown diy Frankenstein contraptions and cry because your crops turn out like shit. And you wonder why you cannot get out of growing out of a closet. HA!
Now you sound like a child.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
When we see negative attitudes like yours we attribute it, not to being a successful entrepreneur, rather we lean towards immaturity, jealousy or perhaps some form of socialism that frets at the mere thought of profits derived from growing commercially.

It makes little sense for a successful, business minded individual to waste such energy ranting unless threatened in some manner. got it
Ad hominem attacks and avoiding the points I raised diminishes your position.
But I can see here what this is about. And I am far from trolling. That is a cop-out plain and simple. So keep on with your fantasy and ego stroking circlejerk. All you will ever know is that small little world you live in and know that I laugh hysterically whenever I see you post these homegrown diy Frankenstein contraptions and cry because your crops turn out like shit. And you wonder why you cannot get out of growing out of a closet. HA!
so when does spring break end? Are you getting good grades this semester?


When we see negative attitudes like yours we attribute it, not to being a successful entrepreneur, rather we lean towards immaturity, jealousy or perhaps some form of socialism that frets at the mere thought of profits derived from growing commercially.

It makes little sense for a successful, business minded individual to waste such energy ranting unless threatened in some manner.
No threats here my friend. My industry is nowhere near this. Once it is legal everywhere, people like you will be rendered obsolete. I was actually trying to defend you from giving your knowledge away for free and trying to remind you that intellectual property is a very valid thing that was being taken advantage of. But no, you see it as me being a hater. That is a small minded approach. It is my mistake to assume that there was more substance than there is. There is no such thing as energy wasted when it is done doing something that you want. And what I wanted to do was put OP on notice on his shenanigans and defend your knowledge. Won't happen again because I see that you cannot get out of the way of your own ego.
Tasty looking. Whats the flowering time and yield potential? She get pretty tall?
Thank you! Seriously dude, I got extremely lucky with this plant. I went through a lot of seeds to come to this pheno, and it is an amazing plant. I swear I could run this thing with no nutes from start to finish and it would still put out incredible nugs and high yield.

Flowering time is 8 weeks, yield is fantastic. I grow in tents so I bend a lot, but it will get tall quickly. Not sure how tall it would as that works against me in my current setup, but I imagine it could easily go up to 8' feet or more. If I let it go a full 8 weeks in veg it is going to be over 6'. Yield potential is fantastic as well, with Co2 and a straight grow I can get a gram a watt out of it. Puts out very dense, big buds from top to bottom. That's the beauty of this plant, even branches that have very little light exposure bud out very nicely.

My skunk and berry are also two of the best pheno's of their strain, both selected over a long period of time and lots of seeds. All of them are very resistant to sickness as well as pests. Nothing beats the Lemon though.

tiger mt.

Well-Known Member
Geez Dapper, get a life. Maybe some folks freely help in order to bring the weed revolution forward? You seem to be the one crying about money for some reason..
I would assume this mans industry is nothing more than a figment of his so called intellectual property. I now feel retarted.. I cant believe I read all that and Jesus Christ i suck at grammar but damn it would be nice to see a business man that had to go to school do more than post compound sentences with no hint the spacebar works. My head hurts im going to burn a blunt eat some pizza bacon and biscuits and go to bed behind that..


Again, your very post makes even more of an indictment. Who in their right financial mind does not have these things covered before laying a business plan of that magnitude down? When I moved my company into a 15k Sq.Ft facility (non mmj) I did not go to an online forum with zero knowledge asking for help. This screams bullshit to me. I will say that the posters that are giving rock solid info are the reason I stayed tuned, however I think OP is not what he claims and is milking all the free info he can get. The Joker said it best. If you are good at something, never do it for free. That is what consults get paid handsomely for and I am watching every mark on this forum just leave that money on the floor for OP to collect because of eager growers wanting to step up for some recognition. I think the mods need to get their collective shit together and clean this board up with all of the misposted and fraudulent shit that is starting to surface here. I believe in the sanctity of intellectual property that is given freely here to help one another, but when it is for a huge corp. endeavor as OP is perpetrating, then I see 28 pages of consulting being had for free. Taking a community's kindness for a weakness that way always rubs me the wrong way. a good boy. Your welcome to leave the thread if you don't like what you see...I dont need to prove myself to you anyways. You sound very miserably.
This was a great thread until a few came in and shit all over it. Many golden nuggets of information were shared, and this can be a great reference for all those with pipe dreams or real business aspirations of running such a facility. Can a mod please delete all these useless argumentative posts (including mine) and return this thread to it's former glory? Clean it up and sticky-icky this nugget. :)

Please continue the constructive think-tank, so my grow-boner can resume. Food for thought - how does one handle security in a facility of this size?


Member a good boy. Your welcome to leave the thread if you don't like what you see...I dont need to prove myself to you anyways. You sound very miserably.
It isn't that there was anything I didn't like. It was my observation and that is all. The ad hominem attacks do not phase me in the least. Conjecturer is also another one of those things that some here take as fact. And I am far from being "miserably". I enjoy the knowledge that is learned on these forums here and there and from the select few that actually have their shit together. The rest I wouldn't trust to operate a garden rake.


This was a great thread until a few came in and shit all over it. Many golden nuggets of information were shared, and this can be a great reference for all those with pipe dreams or real business aspirations of running such a facility. Can a mod please delete all these useless argumentative posts (including mine) and return this thread to it's former glory? Clean it up and sticky-icky this nugget. :)

Please continue the constructive think-tank, so my grow-boner can resume. Food for thought - how does one handle security in a facility of this size?
Not sure how to delete well, I just received a quote on security that would meet Health Canada regulations....came back at $190000