lol....ya know what i mean i juss hope this thread goes on forever its like the only one where people arent being stupid and arguing its actually having a good time and learning shit well the learning is kinda gone now but its still a hell of a thread lol
OOOOOOOOOOOO The learning go's on an on an on...
like... I bet I can tell YOU why YOU should NOT use plastic dryer duct
on your 1000watt light.... learned that one all by myself...
did not know if it was applicable to anyone else.....
An leaned its better not not have sharp points on your wire table
you set up.... so next time best to fix that...
or how to understand when you little one is crying for more P or K.....
they do ya know... Bet ya dollars for donuts they all cry about the same...
Can even tell ya why it won't work to try an graft 2 clones together.....
or let ya know that YOU can in fact can rain water an it works.... but its a lot of effort........
And ya wanna know what else I learned... ????????
What it is like to miss AND or worry about friends YOU really like learning from.
Still have many lessons to learn....
cuz have a badddddddddd Idea am about to learn why you should not grow a plant to just over 6 feet in a room that is a 6 foot hight before going 12/12.... Yep this is YET to be learned...
BUT am figuring it out...
AND Still get to learn about yeld.
havent even gone near da water yet....
If MrsMcGreggor or da bunny even knew 1/2 of all they had to learn...
Well wouldn't that just take !!!SUPRISE!!! right out of it..?
from MrEmail.....
hair rejuvenator! i guess that is probably cheaper than energizer batteries!
NO good hair rejuvenator aint cheep... but its a LOT less then health insurance.