Odd question about Cannabis + Another plant.


Well-Known Member
So lets say I have a Cannabis plant that already has its final root structure.
This means it's only 4 weeks away from harvest.

lets say, I'm planting a mint seed, or possibly strawberry seeds into the Cannabis container and let it grow with the Cannabis.

The cannabis already has its root structure.
The new seedling however will start to look for root space.

What is the most negative impact it can have?
What is the minimal impact you think it will have?

I'm curious because I was thinking after the cannabis plant is harvested I can cut it as the base and the roots will dry up and decompose in the soil the new plants have.

I'm not worried about PPMs salt build up etc at the moment, more of an experiment I want to try first.

What I mainly want to know.

Would the new plant over take the old roots and kill my Cannabis before it had time to finish? Like suffercate the roots?

I think it would be "Making the most" out of the situation to plant a veggie or fruit in the same pot as a cannabis plant, a few weeks before harvest.
To get the most "up time" in my grow area, as once the cannabis dies, I'll have a room full of veggies/fruits.

Cereal box

Active Member
That's an interesting question! There's a chance it could work, but also a chance the new plant could kill your Mj plant. I don't think that's something id risk with 4 weeks left. If your dead set on trying it, I'd wait until your Mj plant only has a week or two left. That way you can observe what happens without potentially losing yield.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be O.K. as long as there were enough nutrients to carry the cannabis through to harvest, however, why risk it?


Well-Known Member
Yea it's a risk, why I'm trying to gauge what people think will happen.

I know there is a few people on this site that either went to agriculture school or know a shit ton about plants and could probably pass agriculture school.

If anything, maybe I'll do the experiment on the smallest plant I have, or do a 12/12 from seed in a 1 gal with a bag seed and do it to that plant and see how it goes.

If it works, could be a new thing.
I know personally I would do it every time, can't beat reusing the soil I was going to throw out for veggies and fruits I can actually use later.
Also think of the herbs I can grow! Mint, Basil, Parsley, etc.
Those things probably don't need that much root space.


Well-Known Member
If theirs enouth room for your healthy MJ plant a mint or strawberry plant will be fine

In the long run it could actually be benificial , after the mj is cut down the roots will rot leaving 'trails' of very soft and very good soil for the other plant to take over


Well-Known Member
If theirs enouth room for your healthy MJ plant a mint or strawberry plant will be fine

In the long run it could actually be benificial , after the mj is cut down the roots will rot leaving 'trails' of very soft and very good soil for the other plant to take over
That sounds good, and yea I'll only add the plants to a MJ Plant that has been healthy it's entire life.
I won't add the mint or strawberry to a container that has a yellowing and unhealthy plant.

Seems like I'll be doing this this time around, I'll start with one plant and if it works out good I'll just reuse the soil after I cut the other plants down.

I've always been against re-using my medium for another weed plant, but for a Herb, Spice, Veggie, Fruit, etc, I think it'll be fine especially if I flush the medium after the roots already decomposed but that could take a while.