USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

LOL! Of course killing me would be different than eliminating a zygote before viable fertilization, what kind of retard wouldn't think so?

I am no more alive than skin cells, no. Get an education, Red

There is no such thing as a "zygote before viable fertilization". You knew that, I am sure, because you are such a well informed thinker on the whole process of fertilization and not just some dumb kid with opinions about stuff he has no knowledge of, and which he can't be bothered to really inform himself. Are you and Skylard related?

A zygote is always synthesized from the union of two gametes, and constitutes the first stage in a unique organism's development. Zygotes are usually produced by a fertilization event between two haploid cells
the anti-liberty libertarian is back at his crusade against liberty for anyone who's not a white christian hetero male.

Tell us Aunty, if you base your reckoning in that it is free market capitalism that fails us now....which you do,
why should you be taken seriously in this section?

Tell us Aunty, if you base your reckoning in that it is free market capitalism that fails us now....which you do,
why should you be taken seriously in this section?

what in the hell does your fr33 mark3t tr00f3rism have to do with desertdumb's quest to limit women's liberty?
I merely pointed out that the subject matter the professor studies has nothing to do with the incident at hand, and that the incident at hand ought to be a non-incident, solved internally, not involving the criminal justice system. someone who invokes penis size analogies, in my experience, believes such analogies to be effective emotional jabs intended to socially embarrass his or her interlocutor. it also belies the fact that sexual insecurity is a major concern for such a person, as it does not generally occur to those who are actually secure in their sexuality to use sexuality as a rhetorical weapon. To use such an analogy to allege that I am poor/ have little money seems somewhat irrelevant, unless you think i'm going to feel bad that I'm not earning a big paycheck right now? of course, i knew i wouldn't be earning a big paycheck when I decided to pursue a doctorate, so why I would feel bad about something I knew was coming anyway, I don't know. But then again, you don't make the most sense in the world.
Blah, blah, blah. You were complaining people were talking about politics in a "pot" forum. Don't try to pretend it was something else. I neither knew nor care you have a shit income, but I can't say I'm surprised.
Blah, blah, blah. You were complaining people were talking about politics in a "pot" forum. Don't try to pretend it was something else. I neither knew nor care you have a shit income, but I can't say I'm surprised.

aren't you 60 years old or so and still renting?
I merely pointed out that the subject matter the professor studies has nothing to do with the incident at hand, and that the incident at hand ought to be a non-incident, solved internally, not involving the criminal justice system. someone who invokes penis size analogies, in my experience, believes such analogies to be effective emotional jabs intended to socially embarrass his or her interlocutor. it also belies the fact that sexual insecurity is a major concern for such a person, as it does not generally occur to those who are actually secure in their sexuality to use sexuality as a rhetorical weapon. To use such an analogy to allege that I am poor/ have little money seems somewhat irrelevant, unless you think i'm going to feel bad that I'm not earning a big paycheck right now? of course, i knew i wouldn't be earning a big paycheck when I decided to pursue a doctorate, so why I would feel bad about something I knew was coming anyway, I don't know. But then again, you don't make the most sense in the world.
PhDs in science fields are quite lucrative. I know many PhD physicists who make $500K per year. A PhD in victim studies is useless outside academia, and inside academia is recognized for what it is: useless.
PhDs in science fields are quite lucrative. I know many PhD physicists who make $500K per year. A PhD in victim studies is useless outside academia, and inside academia is recognized for what it is: useless.

tell that to the FBI who keeps hiring these people.
aren't you 60 years old or so and still renting?

I'm 60ish with rentals. I like long walks on the beach, Libra women (only), and reciting Walt Whitman by candlelight. Only the most radiantly beautiful, inside, will see with me, what it all means.
PhDs in science fields are quite lucrative. I know many PhD physicists who make $500K per year. A PhD in victim studies is useless outside academia, and inside academia is recognized for what it is: useless.

how are you defining useful? It's pretty useful to victims to have the research of Victims Studies scholars, and they're getting grant money, so it's useful to the individual scholars because it supports them.
how are you adjudicating the reputation of a single field inside the academy? if there is one constant about the academy, there is no complete agreement on anything, much less the worth of another field.
I'm 60ish with rentals. I like long walks on the beach, Libra women (only), and reciting Walt Whitman by candlelight. Only the most radiantly beautiful, inside, will see with me, what it all means.
well if you read about a libra'd want a libra women..we're keepers:wink: