im gonna be a daddy

As a stay at home dad,I'll tell ya bro, nothing better than being a Dad. I have 3. One girl,6yrs;2boys 3yrs and 14 months. Polo the baby and I just started staying home when polo jr was 3mos old(yea he goes by Polo) and the bond is unreal. Mom is jealous. I still maintain a perpetual grow with 24 in flower at any given time,I just have learned to adapt my schedule to the needs of my yunguns. You will do fine. Best of luck my friend. You will never know another love like the one you have for your child. Oh yea did I mention... I broke my back in 4 places in2004 and I have chrones disease. So if I can do it and enjoy it anybody can
hmm....from having a baby to entering world war 3...

That escalated quickly.

congrats though OP.... hopefully you stick around longer then fins dad
I'm pretty sure it's not negative to save birthing a child for a more peaceful time. I personally believe it is cruel to have a baby in a time like this. Like "Thanks for the Facebook pictures I got out of you when you were a baby, have fun finding a job."

And my 10 year old brother died recently, so I think I can speak on how shitty bringing a kid into the world right now is.
Allergies, Air pollutants, Shitty water, Vaccinations, go to Canada and have a baby or something, not here.
I've been gone for like a year and you're just as big of a lop as when I left and to the op congratulations. Having a kid is great it really is one of the most beautiful miracles of nature
thx everyone for your support even you fin you talk crazy but no crazier than myself. my friends and family still think im batshit crazy when i told them the hulk exists (i specifically said creatures like the hulk may exist, who knows what the govt is funding for the military right).
Finn, nothing I have posted to you in the last month has been maliciously intended. Yet you come across very rattled. Im sorry you percieved it that way.

:lol: If you come in to any of my threads agreeing with the people that are regularly there, it doesn't matter what your intent is, you are being malicious. They are trolls.
hmm....from having a baby to entering world war 3...

That escalated quickly.

I didn't even mean to make a big deal out of this, I even said congratulations. I was just wondering where the kid was going to be raised (state or country), then everyone went crazy and I ended up having to share my views.
I've been gone for like a year and you're just as big of a lop as when I left and to the op congratulations. Having a kid is great it really is one of the most beautiful miracles of nature

Beautiful and stupid/cruel can live together. Just because babies are great does not mean it is always a good time to have one. For example, everyone from my home town are immature, me included, and the MOST immature of them are now having babies of their own, there are people that were doing heroine 3 years ago that never went to rehab, but now have children. Babies are great, but you should probably have them in the right places at the right time. And America Now is not a good place or time.
thx everyone for your support even you fin you talk crazy but no crazier than myself. my friends and family still think im batshit crazy when i told them the hulk exists (i specifically said creatures like the hulk may exist, who knows what the govt is funding for the military right).

I am in total support of your baby, it needs all the support in the world it can get. I am just of the persuasion that our country sucks, and I have always wanted to fix the future before I put kids into it.
America has plenty of safe places to raise children.

Time to stop taking all those experimental drugs figgy.

It may seem that way, but when you look at global politics, you could even just look at relations between America and North Korea and forget everything else. It's not safe.

Then factor in the job market and the fact that things like Bitcoin are gaining popularity as Gold rises to record highs... America is fucked unless a global nuclear market opens and somehow no war comes from that.
I'm pretty sure it's not negative to save birthing a child for a more peaceful time. I personally believe it is cruel to have a baby in a time like this. Like "Thanks for the Facebook pictures I got out of you when you were a baby, have fun finding a job."

And my 10 year old brother died recently, so I think I can speak on how shitty bringing a kid into the world right now is.
Allergies, Air pollutants, Shitty water, Vaccinations, go to Canada and have a baby or something, not here.
Just when I think I'm liking you, you call me cruel.

Fuck on off back to Bit City!
if you disagree.. youre a troll.. "finshaggy get up and find a job".. "STOP TROLLING ME MOM"
I thought I had fins respect. Did you see those nasty things he wrote about me? I'm very insecure and now want to drive a flat head through me ear!