feeding miracle gro all purpose to weed plants

Actually, go to this forum's "Newbie Central" there are like 4-5 threads there with ALL THE INFO YOU COULD NEED!! Just read them. There's a book I have in PDF form, if I could share it with you I would, but I can't upload files to this site in that manner. But it should have a link to it... it's possibly in the CFL section of the site. Read that book, it'll give you everything. Hell... i'll even find the thread with the link to the book in it, one second...
Here's one;

And here's the book, although it seems it's a link to where you can buy it. I'm pretty sure I torrented the book, so I got it for free. I've been considering just doing screen shots of the entire book and uploading the pics to a thread for beginners.
You think the site admins would object to me doing that? Giving for free what someone else charges for?
Here's the link anyway;

Read most of these threads;

And the next time you think about posting a new thread to ask a question, check here first... It may have already been asked and answered.

Good luck new friend and grower. I hope you learn enough to successfully grow some good plants.
Here's one;

And here's the book, although it seems it's a link to where you can buy it. I'm pretty sure I torrented the book, so I got it for free. I've been considering just doing screen shots of the entire book and uploading the pics to a thread for beginners.
You think the site admins would object to me doing that? Giving for free what someone else charges for?
Here's the link anyway;

Read most of these threads;

And the next time you think about posting a new thread to ask a question, check here first... It may have already been asked and answered.

Good luck new friend and grower. I hope you learn enough to successfully grow some good plants.

Now that's hookin a brother up..lol
I'm a lazy soil guy.
FFOF + B'cuzz = done

Ive used the B'Cuzz stimulators last run, they did pretty good bro. I liked them. But I used more than just that and I do use a custom mix I do myself with FFOF as my "base" before I do some mixing magic lol. But really, not bad stuff those stimulators.
but yeah, a post like that for that guy who needs the help deserves some rep, I agree m8. Good post. I keep messing up my quotes tonight lol
that erb should taste nice and "chemmy" ugh
crank up the coffee pot and get crankin on the learning....a good book to have on hand....Jorge cerventas indoor/outdoor medical growers bible....
The only way miracle grow will make your bud taste "chemmy" is if you spray or sprinkle the shit on your plant, and then lick it off. If MG is used as plant food like it's supposed to be, you don't have to worry about a chem taste, because it's a big fat myth. I wouldn't suggest Jorge "I'm Not Really Mexican, I'm Dutch" Cervantez's book as a guaranteed truthful source of info. Lots of misinformation/ old hippie folklore in there. I'd suggest googling documented studies from any of the numerous Universities that have them online. Jorge's book is OK as a guide for some issues, but there's lots of B.S. in there that's simply untrue.
The only way miracle grow will make your bud taste "chemmy" is if you spray or sprinkle the shit on your plant, and then lick it off. If MG is used as plant food like it's supposed to be, you don't have to worry about a chem taste, because it's a big fat myth. I wouldn't suggest Jorge "I'm Not Really Mexican, I'm Dutch" Cervantez's book as a guaranteed truthful source of info. Lots of misinformation/ old hippie folklore in there. I'd suggest googling documented studies from any of the numerous Universities that have them online. Jorge's book is OK as a guide for some issues, but there's lots of B.S. in there that's simply untrue.

lol u r crazy, there is TONS of good info in there. and that comment is kinda racist bro, not cool
and newbs are not going to sit down for longer reads from scientific or university studies m8, they need something short and sweet in the beginning
The only way miracle grow will make your bud taste "chemmy" is if you spray or sprinkle the shit on your plant, and then lick it off. If MG is used as plant food like it's supposed to be, you don't have to worry about a chem taste, because it's a big fat myth. I wouldn't suggest Jorge "I'm Not Really Mexican, I'm Dutch" Cervantez's book as a guaranteed truthful source of info. Lots of misinformation/ old hippie folklore in there. I'd suggest googling documented studies from any of the numerous Universities that have them online. Jorge's book is OK as a guide for some issues, but there's lots of B.S. in there that's simply untrue.

Jorges books and videos are great starting points for beginners. Just because the info or methods might not be useful to you in your garden that doesn't make them "B.S. or simply untrue".
I have a chunk of rock that's engraved "Garden of Weeden" xD for a very good reason too.

I wonder how much weed I've smoked that's been grown in MG chemical mixes. Probably a lot. The plant needs the same nutrients to thrive whether it's chemical or organic, and as long as it photosynthesizes them and is flushed properly I don't see why it would drastically alter taste... Then again, even many people say flushing is a myth (even in hydro). I disagree, but meh. Idk. If I went vegetarian and someone took a bite out of me, I think I'd taste the same as my pre-vegetarian self. Or maybe not I JUST DUNNO
I have a chunk of rock that's engraved "Garden of Weeden" xD for a very good reason too.

I wonder how much weed I've smoked that's been grown in MG chemical mixes. Probably a lot. The plant needs the same nutrients to thrive whether it's chemical or organic, and as long as it photosynthesizes them and is flushed properly I don't see why it would drastically alter taste... Then again, even many people say flushing is a myth (even in hydro). I disagree, but meh. Idk. If I went vegetarian and someone took a bite out of me, I think I'd taste the same as my pre-vegetarian self. Or maybe not I JUST DUNNO

ive grown both ways, the more natural you stay...the better the taste..to me anyways, and to many others as well. I actually use a couple of chems but only in small amounts and at very specific times during bloom. But Ive smoked plenty of miracle grown shit, and to me personally it tastes like smoking a dryer sheet