Grow Nutes in Bloom


Active Member
Was away getting some bits and pieces for my grow yesterday and the guy in the shop I went to said I should keep giving veg nutes throughout the life of the plant.I use Bio Bizz grow and bloom and cal-mag.Is he correct?My plants look healthy enough although I have noticed a couple of weeks into flowering they go a bit pale and some stems go purple,and thats not a strain-trate as my last grow was an entirely different strain.
Any advice is much appreciated,you can see here what I mean about the color and stems-View attachment 3038246

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I use dyna gro foliage pro start to finish, It wasn't until i gave bloom nutes and additives that I really started to see the best crops.


Active Member
Yeah I give bloom nutes but I stop the veg nutes ten days to 2 weeks into flower.I just wanted to know if the guy was right enough or if he was just trying to sell me more nutes lol.
Out of interest,what additaves do you use?And have you seen a huge improvement since using them?
Thing is,like alot of things,I think some people just like to make things appear more difficult,and then theres people who are flush wholl buy anything thinking its the be all and end all.My uncle grew before I was evdn born using no more than basic tomatoe food

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Yeah I give bloom nutes but I stop the veg nutes ten days to 2 weeks into flower.I just wanted to know if the guy was right enough or if he was just trying to sell me more nutes lol.
Out of interest,what additaves do you use?And have you seen a huge improvement since using them?
Thing is,like alot of things,I think some people just like to make things appear more difficult,and then theres people who are flush wholl buy anything thinking its the be all and end all.My uncle grew before I was evdn born using no more than basic tomatoe food
I really believe bloom nutes were made from greed. I don't use any additives other than cal-mag on occasion. You don't see the guys outdoors with buds as big as a person hauling bottles of advanced nutes out to the gardens, They have a big bag of all purpose ferts. and they always finish green. I don't even ph or measure ppms anymore and other than bugs, have no more issues to deal with. I use the same mix for veg as I do for flower.


Well-Known Member
I advise caution with grow shop chatter, many guys on here have been caught out ...and seriously confused, all cause some greedy store fuck ...wants more money ....go with your gut feeling, either way flush first


Active Member
Purple stems can be a temp issue are temps real low?

My temps arent too bad,mid-seventies with lights on and drops to mid-sixties during lights out,but I actually was reading yesterday that a temperature drop during lights out was important-not sure how much truth is in that,although its obviously been the case for whoever wrote the article.Dont shoot the messenger!


Active Member
Its actually just dawned on me when writting this thread that the purple stems coincide with stopping the veg nutes.Im going to start tappering them down on my next grow rather than just stopping them suddenly and see if that helps


Well-Known Member
My temps arent too bad,mid-seventies with lights on and drops to mid-sixties during lights out,but I actually was reading yesterday that a temperature drop during lights out was important-not sure how much truth is in that,although its obviously been the case for whoever wrote the article.Dont shoot the messenger!
Red stems on many old strains, are an indication of too cold a nights, but with many sativa's from the tropics being crossed these days ...its very difficult to say that anymore,, red stems is strain specific, and there is very little that a grower can so but see the red as anthocyanin or common food coloring, where the plant has had to make a choice and left the (K) alone moving the others (N) and (P) to their rightful positions, these are after all mobile nutriments ...Yo!!!