New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
They need to add a few different background options at the bottom or something. This white background is plain and kind of hard on the eyes but aside from that I have no complaints with the new site layout so far.


Well-Known Member
Glad you're back up and running!!! Fine tuning can be done as needed. Gonna take a few days to see whats different, good or bad.

Missed this place.
There are likes? They were here earlier but mine are currently not enabled. I expect that they are still being processed as I just got a "major award" dump a while back.

Oh, there they are.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hiccup #1, I tried ti "like" a post, and got an error message that said I didn't have permission to do that. I double checked that I was logged on (I sometimes get logged off after a few min of inactivity)


Well-Known Member
I often browse on my iPhone. Glad to see they have a mobile version again, but it still needs to be's not displaying fully across my screen, there's a blank gap on the right of the screen.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
i don't like that the rep messages are gone. i agree about the brightness, perhaps change to a grey background.

other than that, not sure, still test driving.