Ill send you a pm nowStill having problem loading pictures. All my pics are between 1-2 megs. Please fix, I've got lot updates I want to post and I need pics.
Ill send you a pm nowStill having problem loading pictures. All my pics are between 1-2 megs. Please fix, I've got lot updates I want to post and I need pics.
This site is totally messed up, pictures don't work, I cant log in normally I had to use my twitter to log in what is going on with your log in is it secure? I cant even reset my password, is this like an april fools or has this website gone down the crapper?
So are the .gif avatars not going to be animated? should do the trick for what you are looking forHow do I even find where I have posted I cant see my threads I have posted to and all the threads and unorganized just scattered when I try to sort by date it just doesn't work right.....really not a great start to this new layout very frustrating...
How do I even find where I have posted I cant see my threads I have posted to and all the threads are unorganized just scattered when I try to sort by date it just doesn't work right.....really not a great start to this new layout very frustrating...
dude my user name is yodaweed I had to log in with my twitter after trying to log in for 30 minutes or so using the normal log in. It just doesn't work. I have windows 8 running IE.
Its currently set to 10MBPlease to be helping on how to upload more images than one at 1 MB? I have only high resolution 4k image shots I take above 1MB and not time nor energy to convert n upload elsewhere... PLEASE HELP!
Its currently set to 10MB
ok, no problem. I noticed that it plays when you put it in, but not in the forum. No worries.The pictures work but its really hard to diagnose when we can't replicate it. I am working with a few users to figure it out. What is your regular username and I will see why you can't login
Yes we will bring it back, its not top priority right now though. bear with us.
I told you to send me your password and ill take a look for younothing works correctly, every post I do I have to log in with my twitter so frustrating please fix it.
This is a problem with your browser, not the site.ok now I totally can not log in on my main computer using my backup. When I try to log in the screen just goes away and it goes back to the exact same thing it still says login or register at the top like nothing happened.