do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
I musta missed the last few pages when I originally posted or was higher than I am right now because I would have put all of this in one post... Anyways lets begin shall we:

??? cop smelling booze on your breath isn't PC either?
(jail house lawyers)

LMAO just an FYI BigBud IT'S NOT!!!! smelling alcohol only gives them a right to administer the "R U drunk test" walk the line, touch your nose etc... As long as you can do those things they still have NO LEGAL RIGHT to search your car... If infact you can not do those things, the PC is not the smell of your breath its the BAL (blood alcohol level) that gives them the right to search...

I'm not sure of winning money for being detained for three day's because because there's this stupid law that allows police to hold someone for up to 72 hours and not any further unless they have a crime to charge them with.
Yeah but this law is usually reserved for "real" crimes and "real" criminals ie. they may hold you for the max (which is 72hrs) if U R a murder suspect or a suspected terrorist but a grower C'mon U guys ya'll aren't that high and I know you aint that dumb either...

fuck you hotwire..lil punk bitch!!shoot me one muthsfucka!!who tha fuk u think u are bitch azz trcik!!??shut the fuk up man..your the fuki idiot here..

ps:ur a punk son of a bitch...

Temper temper I guess we know who's smoking bush cause that was way aggressive for a posting LMAO, A wise man once told me cursing people out on the net is like playing a game of 1 on 1 with a girl after you win you look dumber than you did before you picked the ball up... Try Decaf Outlaw
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Well-Known Member
fuck you hotwire..lil punk bitch!!shoot me one muthsfucka!!who tha fuk u think u are bitch azz trcik!!??shut the fuk up man..your the fuki idiot here..

ps:ur a punk son of a bitch...
I was actually able to work out a few words there. Nice try!! Come again :hump:


Well-Known Member
I dont believe the OP. This story has no validation, he had to have a current warrent for his arrest to be held and questioned.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe the OP. This story has no validation, he had to have a current warrent for his arrest to be held and questioned.

You need to have at least a 6th grade education to see the holes in his story. As you can see ganjagoddess, our friendly pot smoking gangsta wannabees don't come close to having any education at all.

But hey!! They talk real big! rofl!

Hey crazyoutlaw....pull my finger man. No, seriously man...pull my finger :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why do people come on and post bogus shit like this, What are they gaining by doing so?

Just lil kids trying to be cool. What makes me lol is all the other lil kids believing the story.

How the hell can you be detained for 3 days with legal stuff in your car? Since when do you get taken "downtown" for going shopping in a hydro store?

The DEA likes to keep all the pot smokers/growers paranoid so they propagate bullshit stories all the time. And it works. 97% of the people who replied to this thread actually believe this guy.


Well-Known Member
24 hours of community service for a package of zig-zags? :shock::shock: :evil::evil:
Yeah I'm not sure who thinks people are gonna believe you can get any thing for rolling papers lol.They are 100% legal unless they find you "with" weed and even then they usually drop that and just go for the possession charge.
I had a friend that was stopped and had syringes and a spoon that later tested positive for opiates.(Oxycontin is the Devil,stay away kiddies)Syringes no matter what are not illegal unless they can prove they were used to take drug.Had one been used then they could have got her for it.Just like papers.
Nothing you can buy in a local store can be illegal unless they can prove it was used for the suspected purpose.
And nobody tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.This is what the judge said to the PA after her lawyer got the charge thrown out while i was in the court room.

As for the Smelling marijuana/alcohol being probable cause....It is now getting looked at in a few court cases.Apparently in most law books it is Probable cause....Problem is,cops have been using that excuse to search cars even when there was no marijuana there to make a scent.They find weed in the car they claim they knew all along,if they don't they just say oh well I guess you got rid of it.I'll try to find the article I was reading about that.


Well-Known Member
You either have some very strange laws over in the u.s.a ,or very strange cops,fuck me dead why the fuck would they pull someone over for going to a hydro shop.
I do know once a long time ago american sailors who came to perth on the ships were not allowed to have zig zags ,as i bought some very good pot of them ,they said they use paper etc ,i could not believe it they sold me four 1/4 pound bags they got from one of there stops ,and they could not have fucking zig zags , still it was a long time ago ,i doubt if they could get dope on board these days?.
That was from the u.s.s. midway an aircraft carrier, some of the old style weed that i laughed so much i lost the plot , no doubt before a lot of your time as i am an old fart .
I go to the hydro shop all the time as i actually grow under light with the young disabled in my work ,as they cant go out gardening so we have indoor growing set up .
I think i would tell the filth to fuck off if they pulled me up for going to a shop that is legal is it not.
the cops here i hope would have better things to do ,like catch some murderer ,of fucking rock spider than worry about a customers of a legit shop.


Well-Known Member
It never happened. The kid who wrote the story had already maturbated twice in an hour and needed SOMETHING to occupy his mind, so he made up a story. LEO have better things to do here than follow kids from a hydro store to Burger King.


Active Member
hotwired cause that's what your brain has to be and anyone else that thinks this thread is bullshit. just bring you and your big hot shot ass lawyer to georgia and let's see how far you'll get. where I'm from you can be held 72 hours for questioning or an investagation plus it was a holiday weekend. so really what can a lawyer do. I can't win any money. yeah I could have said no to a search but I didn't have nothing that could have gotten me booked. my thoughts is that its not the first time they did this. just wondering how many grows they find like this


Well-Known Member
It never happened. The kid who wrote the story had already maturbated twice in an hour and needed SOMETHING to occupy his mind, so he made up a story. LEO have better things to do here than follow kids from a hydro store to Burger King.
i would have thought so to, it seems a bit out there for me to deal with , next they will be following you for buying condoms ,because you are going to rape someone???:peace:


Well-Known Member
hotwired cause that's what your brain has to be and anyone else that thinks this thread is bullshit. just bring you and your big hot shot ass lawyer to georgia and let's see how far you'll get. where I'm from you can be held 72 hours for questioning or an investagation plus it was a holiday weekend. so really what can a lawyer do. I can't win any money. yeah I could have said no to a search but I didn't have nothing that could have gotten me booked. my thoughts is that its not the first time they did this. just wondering how many grows they find like this
ACTUALLY little boy,

Federal law says that a person arrested without a warrant must be brought before a judge within 48 hours to determine if enough probable cause exists to justify the arrest.

There is no law that states they can arrest you on possesing legal items, Or suspcion that you are doing something illegal with LEGAL items.

They can hold you for 72 hours in a mental health clinc if you are under age and either are reported as a runaway or if your parents tell the police you a threat to thier safety.

So Your Stroy is BULLSHIT, if its not, then you have the means to sue.

I have seen a similar case where a man sued for 100k and settled for $5000.00

So if this really happened to you and you didnt have ANY OTHER REASON why you were arrested, then you have a rock solid case of police misconduct, and there you go you dont even have to grow weed anymore go get rich of the goverment harrasing you, and stalking you....

K, GOT IT????


Active Member
what the law says and what they do with there power is two totally different things. so I guess people think that profileing don't exist either.


Well-Known Member
what the law says and what they do with there power is two totally different things. so I guess people think that profileing don't exist either.
agree with that .......shit try tellin LAPD ur citzen rights and all they'll do is laugh or either throw u in the back seat and fuck u up ..........u either get a koo understanding cop or one of those rookies who just came out the academy with his new power of authority................:joint:


Well-Known Member
agree with that .......shit try tellin LAPD ur citzen rights and all they'll do is laugh or either throw u in the back seat and fuck u up ..........u either get a koo understanding cop or one of those rookies who just came out the academy with his new power of authority................:joint:
Which is why in my opinion why we need to at least start letting the powers that be know that we know our rights. You are correct, one person alone is not going to make much of a difference. It takes numbers of people doing the same thing. If more people will just stand up and voice their displeasure then it will eventually start sinking in. As an example, I had a possession charge and with that the law here says I need treatment and drug testing. But here is the deal. My attorney has major issues with this and stated that I will not have rehab or drug testing. He got me out of it, simply by telling the prosecuter and judge that he will take that charge to a jury trial. In the end I still have the charge on me, but no rehab and no drug testing. The court did not want to take a simple charge like this to a jury. I ended up getting only a fine, but the person before me got rehab and monthly testing.


New Member
ACTUALLY little boy,

Federal law says that a person arrested without a warrant must be brought before a judge within 48 hours to determine if enough probable cause exists to justify the arrest.

There is no law that states they can arrest you on possesing legal items, Or suspcion that you are doing something illegal with LEGAL items.

They can hold you for 72 hours in a mental health clinc if you are under age and either are reported as a runaway or if your parents tell the police you a threat to thier safety.

So Your Stroy is BULLSHIT, if its not, then you have the means to sue.

I have seen a similar case where a man sued for 100k and settled for $5000.00

So if this really happened to you and you didnt have ANY OTHER REASON why you were arrested, then you have a rock solid case of police misconduct, and there you go you dont even have to grow weed anymore go get rich of the goverment harrasing you, and stalking you....

K, GOT IT????
Didnt this all change under the patriot act? I heard they can hold you indefinitley if they really want too. Look at gauntanamo(?). I dont know if city cops can do it, but i think fed s would do it in a heartbeat if they felt lik ereally fuckin you.