The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Frenchy, I made some butter with my 160 and you were not kidding when you said the 160 was "storming" for edibles Vraiment fort !
I'm getting ready to run all the leftovers[sticks /fan leaves ] Would you suggest the normal process or perhaps just the 45 since it will all be for butter.
The Black Label is almost wors
Frenchy, I made some butter with my 160 and you were not kidding when you said the 160 was "storming" for edibles Vraiment fort !
I'm getting ready to run all the leftovers[sticks /fan leaves ] Would you suggest the normal process or perhaps just the 45 since it will all be for butter.
The 45 only, to save time since you do not care to separate grade. Use the 190 and 160 nonetheless, never knows!!!!
Wowee wow wow! Just finished all 175 pages! Lots of gret info in there...yes bookmarks are needed.

I love frenchies process of hash making. I can tell it come from years of experience. You can see his passion for it, and it really trancends.

I think it's so Necessary to learn from the past, from people who have been doing it for thousands of years the same way. There must be a reason for it, and you have shown that. We only understand it
Now through science but these people have been doing it instinctually for

I hope this becomes a trend, not the hash craze but the learning from our elders part. So much great knowledge has been lost in the past, paved over by Starbucks and walmart.

I only recently came to learn about Hash through the BHO scene that barely exists in hawaii. everything is delayed here. i never enjoyed the taste of it honestly, it always had this weird chemical after taste, and it made you cough differently. I saw some really dirty shit going around here, full melt stuff that smelt like ass. prople were eating it up doe and prices were high for this crap. i later learned how to cure the stuff with heat but I was still worried about residual butane atoms left stuck to those tiny little trichome bonds. Yadda yada yada I found this thread and am stoked.

Imagine if you taught your workshop in many lives would be saved.

How would you dry in a tropical place? How would you deal with the humidity? Would there be anything you would do differently frenchy?

Dry in the refrigerator. Cool temps and low humidity. Air conditioned rooms are also cool and low Relative Humidity (RH).
Dedicated room/space is necessary for a good dry doesn't matter where you are.
35% humidity and somewhere in the low 50's is best.
Organize a workshop in Hawai and I'll come.
Me too! I just saw a nice job with the Navy in Pearl Harbor :)

How is the Medical growing situation on Oahu?
Hi Frenchy! Glad to be back, I was thoroughly enjoying your thread. I have a problem, hopefully you can help. I got a washing machine and ran some old, dry trim and plants through it. I don't have any Frenchy bags yet, but in my 20 bag, I collected some resin that was very sticky and was like trying to cut up a tootsie roll. I put it in freezer for a day or two to harden it up, then cut up what I could and microplaned some to get it into a powder. I put the mix of everything I collected from 75 bag and 20 bag all together and let it dry in fridge for a couple of days then sitting in a drawer in my room for a few more days. It was good and dry when I started working with it, but for some reason, I could not press it into a solid mass. I would even let the jar of boiling hot water sit on it in one spot and the stuff wouldnt even melt. I had a 28 gram bag similar to the size you set up in the video's. What I found odd, was if I took approximately 1/4 of a gram and pressed it in my hand, I could get it to form a sticky ball and I would notice the aroma getting stronger, but not over powering like some other hash I made a little over 6 months ago. I used approximately 225 grams of dried and frozen trim to make the batch, and from what I can tell, I dont have any plant material in it.
The atmosphere is good right now medically. We will haveto wait to see what happens in 2015 , fingers crossed. They are raising the count and some other small things, but I here rumors of legalisation could be possible soon.
You got me here but 1 day or 2 in the freezer you really wanted to make sure it was gonna be frozen………..
A couple of day to dry in a fridge does not sound long enough either. I would not mix dry and frozen as well.
What type of texture are the trichomes???
How long did you press by hand???
Was your 70 of a lower quality than your 20?
Sometimes it is just the resin quality but in your case it is something else
Hello dear hash lovers,

long time no see.

Dear Frenchy, I have some views to share about dry sieve pressing.

I have a 4 piece grinder with a sieve of 140µ.
I managed to tweak a brush with not too soft hairs to clean the sift from time to time [ not too often and gently... always be gentle]

thus making I can collect around 1gram by month.

Tiny amount but good for practice and here is what I've experienced and overall learned from errors.

The biggest mistake was timing for pressing.

This is the opposite as how I proceed for ice extracted hash.

First time I pressed too long. I used the technique for ice hash and it was a fail right the next day.
I pressed it once and twice and thrice, rolled this 1g to a cannoli then in the jar for the night.
the next day, the cannoli felt apart, as soon as I touched it, it was back to powder trichome state.

Too dry maybe...
So I remembered a previous fast press with some dry sieving and I know it was a success.
By this, my next guess was to press with the bottle and warm water just the time for trichomes to melt together.
Then I decided finishing to press it by hand and turn it into a nice ball [1gram is few, ball shape is best for saving].

It took me about 1 minute of pressing.
when I saw the trichomes melt together and equally done,
It was time get it out of the bag, then roll it carefully and finish by pressing it and repressing, like you would do for a "mille feuilles" in bakery.

For me the most obvious way to know if you are good, is the moment where you get it out of the bag, freshly bottle pressed.
if it shines at some parts, well done.
It means you can finish it by hand with no failure for storing.

when I pressed too longer, the brightness was gone. [and fall apart next day]

I will do my best to take picutres next time I'll do some dry sieve pressing.

I hope this long lecture is not too boring and can bring something.

hey frenchy love your thread first off but wanted to ask a quick question im been ding ur method for awhile now and i usually get nice blonde dank hash and its always fullmelt but for some reason i can never really get it to press like yours. i microplane it and dry it for usually 3-4 days it takes where i am and i go to press with hot water bottle and it will press but always sticks to the ziplock and when i take it out of the bag to after pressing after a day or so it will go too straight cake and start crumbling up


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