watering question

Yes, when it is time to water the plants run the water until it's coming out the plantpot drainholes. If you must use water catchers be sure to elevate the plantpots above any drain off. Mj doesn't like to have its roots in stagnated water.
Heres some pics of warlock 16 days into flowering little bit of yellowing on top leaves


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I runoff about 5-10% each watering which is just under one gallon in my 3 gal coco hempys. Ive never had to flush from a salt buildup
I also have never had a problem with salt build up of any kind or yellowing, this is the first time I have had a bit of yellowing leaves coming from the top,, this is also the first time I have used smaller pots so im thinkin its something to do with that.

at the mo im not sure weather to feed of giv them a good watering, gonna see how they go over the next couple day.

not impressed.
Most gardening books (regardless if it's pot specific or not) recommend watering until you have runoff. I have lots of tomatoes and peppers growing in my green house and I let the water runoff from the top plants water the one's below.

What do you use for food for your girls vally? I use, and recommend,Jack's dynamic duo....really easy to use and cheap as all f**k. And, NO I'm not a rep for them, lots of growers use it and have had great results.
I have been using bcuzz for soil.
Yellowing in one plant only has got worse, im confused, this has never happened. Can you repot in flowering stage with out stressing them. Has anyone done this before?