

Active Member
cant find camera. took tent down and using the frame to hold up my lights which I added a 400. so now I have 250+400+600 and have it incenter of room, and lights lined up. floor fan , ceiling fan and a little fan on wall under my AC vent directing it at about 5ft high. easy access to all plants as I can walk a complete circle around them. filter and fan in corner of room. ahhhhh simplicity and max light to all bud sites. the tub is doing fine and a few of them in the tub look like may get 1/2oz and the rest are prolly 1/4oz still expecting atleast 3oz out of the tub. was a good learning experience. ohhh and about 1 week or more ago I cut the bottom of the tub off and transferred into another tub with 3gallons of TLO manure blend and 3 gllons of 2.1 TLO mix for the extra room. and I also cut a few moreout leaving me with 11 plants. as soon as I find the camera. ill be posting.


Well-Known Member
well the point of going vert is to use the whole light bhulb, using a reflector doesnt make sense. the top of the bulb doesnt give off much light. same as the base. dont believe me test with a light meter your self. thats why you stack the bulbs in series.


Active Member
well the point of going vert is to use the whole light bhulb, using a reflector doesnt make sense. the top of the bulb doesnt give off much light. same as the base. dont believe me test with a light meter your self. thats why you stack the bulbs in series.
I do use a light meter. and there is a reflector there because it is attached to the light. im not using it to reflect light. it is vertical above the light. lol. I only have one plant that is tall enough to benefit from stacking a light and notreally tho because the bottom is gone.


Well-Known Member
With such a short veg time root space shouldn't be an issue.

Is that much light a cost concern at all?


Active Member
With such a short veg time root space shouldn't be an issue.

Is that much light a cost concern at all?
my bill is under 150$ a month. and I have AC set at around 73. what is your electric bill?
I thought since such a short veg time that It shouldn't be an issue either.


Well-Known Member
About the same when I run an ac and a 1000w.

Just running cool tubed 1000w now and good exhaust. Is about half the cost of running ac.

I keep my room at 85 f now and they thrive at that temp.

Will check my bill later and post kW pew hour price.