most asshole thing you've done to someone


Well-Known Member
in high school i was a dick to alot of people because i felt that they deserved it.
anyway, this rude ass chick had hurt her leg one way or another and was on crutches which werent necessary, and was making way too big of a deal about it and was arguing with me about some stupid shit.

school let out and im walking out the hall towards the parking lot and she is still yackin in my ear yellin shit so i kicked one of her crutches out and she fell straight to the floor. i felt bad but i had already dont it so i just kept walking.


Well-Known Member
freshman year in college my roomate narced me out to the R.A., thankfully she didn't call the cops, but he definitely narced me out. So a year later I totalled his car, by pouring sugar down the tank.


Well-Known Member
we were partying at this chicks house one night. maybe 15 or 20 of us. one of the girls that lived there got stupid drunk and threw a few raw eggs. she hit the wall above my head and got some on my neck. i was in the bathroom cleaning it off when i glanced over at the laundry hamper. it was half full of clothes. i pissed all over them. turns out most of it was the OTHER roommates. she was the cool one. whoops.


Well-Known Member
i went to visit my friend in colorado springs years ago. he took me and my other friend to a snobby ass party where no one talked to us. so us 3 livened it up a bit. it was a birthday party with a dark looking chocolate cake. so my friend took his juicy ass old rub of skoal out and stuck it down in the middle of the cake. i swear it perfectly blended in with the rest of the cake. we stole all their audio visual remotes to the house and i ripped off their mailbox on the way to the car. not maybe the worst thing i have ever done but it felt so damn good paying those people back who gave me dirty looks.


Well-Known Member
in high school i was a dick to alot of people because i felt that they deserved it.
anyway, this rude ass chick had hurt her leg one way or another and was on crutches which werent necessary, and was making way too big of a deal about it and was arguing with me about some stupid shit.

school let out and im walking out the hall towards the parking lot and she is still yackin in my ear yellin shit so i kicked one of her crutches out and she fell straight to the floor. i felt bad but i had already dont it so i just kept walking.

All of these are awesome but this one wins so far. man i wish i could see that. nothing like wiping the grin off a stupid persons face.

And FDD, my #1 pet peeve is snooty people who have no reason to be snooty. jerks


Well-Known Member
she always left her keys in her at a party me and a buddy took her car and parked it on the otherside of the neighborhood. needless to say she flipped out.

she ended up being a one of my good smoking buddies after highschool but we didnt get along so well for a while.


Active Member
she always left her keys in her at a party me and a buddy took her car and parked it on the otherside of the neighborhood. needless to say she flipped out.

she ended up being a one of my good smoking buddies after highschool but we didnt get along so well for a while.


keep this thread alive


Well-Known Member
One time in high school there was rumor that a girl had slept with a college guy and had become pregnant and gotten an abortion. later in gym we were all talking about rumors about people in a group of 6-7 people and i asked her if it was true, completely thinking it was a fake dumb rumor. after i asked her it got really quite and awkward. finally i spoke up after i realized what heppened and said " i feel stupid" and she said "you should"

A mutual friend stepped in and asked me to explain the huge wart on my dick. I realized what she was doing and completely played along (not true obviously) but i figured that paled in comparison to what happened to that girl. That girl was not the same for the rest of the year and had some major depression. It was an asshole thing, but I never had any bad intentions and had no idea what I was doing. Fuck.:-?


Well-Known Member
Broke someone's leg on purpose and then spit in there face..... deserv'd it ;)

Got propz for that aswell :)


Well-Known Member
i pissed in a guys sweet tea and was holding it like i had drank some waiting for him to want some...took a couple minutes but when he unscrewed the top and starting bringing it up to his lips i lost it and started freaking out but he didnt know why i was acting weird and took a medium-large gulp and spit it out and just threw the drink down and left.

i had to have been like 14 and immature as fuck but it was funny regardless.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This one time, this supposed friend of mine asked me to hold her weed and her pipe for her for a while.....anyway...I found out a few days later she tried to fuck my boyfriend that I was with at the time. So I kept her shit.She called me on the phone wanting it back, and I told her to come take it.She never showed cuz she was chicken. I smoked all of her shit, and gave the pipe away.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine bought like a pound of chronic one time (can you guess where this is going... :cry:). I stole about a half a gram a day from him for about 2 months. It was weird too, cause I'm the type of guy who wouldn't steal a candy bar and the compulsion was just too much, knowing that chronic was sitting right there every day. I've never been able to admit stealing from him, but for the past 6 years I've been spotting him bowls in hopes to regain my karma. I wasn't a big believer in karma before that, but 6 years of guilt will convert you real fast.

"i pissed in a guys sweet tea and was holding it like i had drank some waiting for him to want some...took a couple minutes but when he unscrewed the top and starting bringing it up to his lips i lost it and started freaking out but he didnt know why i was acting weird and took a medium-large gulp and spit it out and just threw the drink down and left.

i had to have been like 14 and immature as fuck but it was funny regardless."

reading that totally reminded me off the time I pissed in that guy's 40. Maybe that was worse...
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Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine bought like a pound of chronic one time (can you guess where this is going... :cry:). I stole about a half a gram a day from him for about 2 months. It was weird too, cause I'm the type of guy who wouldn't steal a candy bar and the compulsion was just too much, knowing that chronic was sitting right there every day. I've never been able to admit stealing from him, but for the past 6 years I've been spotting him bowls in hopes to regain my karma. I wasn't a big believer in karma before that, but 6 years of guilt will convert you real fast.

"i pissed in a guys sweet tea and was holding it like i had drank some waiting for him to want some...took a couple minutes but when he unscrewed the top and starting bringing it up to his lips i lost it and started freaking out but he didnt know why i was acting weird and took a medium-large gulp and spit it out and just threw the drink down and left.

i had to have been like 14 and immature as fuck but it was funny regardless."

reading that totally reminded me off the time I pissed in that guy's 40. Maybe that was worse...
only way to shed karma is to have that person forgive you.


Well-Known Member
lol true, but how much better would you feel if you told him how you tried to right it and he says its all good.

plus, if you choose to aproach someone for forgiveness and they refuse, the karma is on them.


its a win-win


Well-Known Member
A friend and i pissed off a balcony on a guy, haha i could never imagine doing that now. Might be the most asshole thing ive done (something mean for no reason)