Archive seedbank, good germ. rates

Those are looking good too bro no worries. Hope we get some good female ratios. Messing with um earlier putting on them cages, I was wondering if I should've popped more then 5. As long as I get at least one fem. I'll be happy.
They look well old enough to determine sex and if this stupid site wouldn't log me out every 2 seconds I would try and see if i can tell. sorry. Looking good though. might wanna pull a couple branches outside the ring leave some inside to spread out and get better penetration.
Or I would but doesn't mean it is right just an opinion.
One guaranteed female, woohoo! Had to use a magnifying glass but the 2 hairs are there. Don't want to jinx it but another 2 are shaped like female but no hairs out of um yet, then 2 boys. Still gonna wait until well into flower just to be sure. I'll be sure to do that with the cage too, I appreciate it. First time trying the tomato cages and have to say I like um, glad you mentioned it.
Here's what Im waiting on. The lollypop or spacequeen has around 2-3weeks left and the RKS to much time! Probably gonna just finish the lollypop but toss the RKS if there's no room, she stinks to much anyway. I'm ready to get these OGs going. These 2 I was waiting on have been so neglected, lol. Bad timer, growing into lights, Forgetting to water um the poor babies. Since getting a new timer though my hermie banana days are over. Cool to know that if you have a solid strain that once you remove the stressing factor ie: the bad timer and light schedule, she will stop throwing nanners. I'm lucky I didn't get no seeds this go around.
RKS [hungry] lol.
Lollypop. Starting to fatten up good.
one day I will get to run some archive. Him and jaws are about the only two I don't have anything from that I would love to run just about anything from. lol
That drop is looking nice... Damn the walkers sour,casper og,Purpetrator, and Pie face all have my full attention.

now where did I put that $500.
Damn wish I had some extra money myself, that's a nice drop. About to put these Helraisers in flower because they are getting to big. Already grew almost a foot in what 4-5 days? Now soon the pic.s should be getting better.
If you still are able without breaking the branches I would pull al shoots that arent the main to the outer part of the ring. If they are a little too woody already (shouldn't be if you are careful) just tie them to the outer ring so you don't run into buds crowding each other..Sometimes my og gets so frosty I worry about mold though fingers crossed haven't dealt with it yet in 18 months.
Looking at her she has such nice thick side shoots so IMO tying them over to the rings (not bent from the tops) just to spread her out a tad and give your main some room to stack a nice cola for you.
I bit off more than I thought. I thought I was going to have more males than just the 2. I'm afraid I don't have the room to do these girls justice. I so need to take your advice and put them outside the rings but my flower room is only 3x4 and they are going to be crammed in there. I messed up by letting them get so big.? Putting them in flower room now and Ill show ya what I mean, maybe help me figure this out.
Damn forgot to get a pic. lol. They crammed in there tight. Went ahead and chopped the lollypop early to make room. Another thing that's hurting me is I put the males in there too. I just want to be 1000% sure before I toss um out. Once the confirmed males are out Then I should have the room to follow your advice and pull them branches out and put them outside the rings. Appreciate it man. Hope it wont be to late. Right now they are still viney and supple.
Damn wish I had some extra money myself, that's a nice drop. About to put these Helraisers in flower because they are getting to big. Already grew almost a foot in what 4-5 days? Now soon the pic.s should be getting better.
so would you say these are some stretchers?
I'm looking at 3-4 different strains and I'm leaning towards this one and racefuel. The bx2 looks like something to start a line from or play with crosses since it has been worked to bx2 already
Yes sir for sure. Atleast in veg., about to see what they do in the 12-12 stretch. That's what I was originally wanting was the bx2 but couldn't find it no where so got these and so far am real pleased, they smell so good already just in veg..
WTF! 4 out 5 are certified females. I love it and hate it at the same time. lol. Packed in there like sardines, the lower branches aren't even getting light. I wonder if these means my remaining seeds are going to be all male? IDK if sex is predetermined at seed or environment that determines the sex? That's one of many things still to learn. I have the male in the veg. room under the MH light. Going to pollen chuck these so can keep these hellraisers around. Beans are hard to find if I decide to try again in the future with these I wont have to wait for a seed drop. Look at the poor RKS hidden in the corner.
at seed sex is determined from what i gather but im no botanist either..

some people believe germing in colder conditions causes more females, but I don't know.