phosphorus deficiency

i have a plant i sent to flowering about 2 weeks ago an its showing female pre flowers (pistils) as of today i know i had a p deficiency i fed it and flushed but still seems to be affectking the plant how can i tell if the deficency is going away what do i need to look for? thanks in advance SD-


Active Member
Def gone when new growth looks as it should. Maybe put up some pictures. Also whenever you do something, take pics, then let a few days pass while you observe and care. Check out the old pics vs how the plant looks after those days and you'll either notice things getting better or worse.
Def gone when new growth looks as it should. Maybe put up some pictures. Also whenever you do something, take pics, then let a few days pass while you observe and care. Check out the old pics vs how the plant looks after those days and you'll either notice things getting better or worse.
the new growth is looking alot better comparitively an yea sorry i didnt think to take pics at the time so maybe it is getting better but im still losing some small bottom leaves


Well-Known Member
Flushing after adding phosphorus is counterproductive.

Damaged growth does not recover. Watch new growth for indications of health.

Pics will help, your diagnosis may be in error or there may be multiple issues to resolve.
Flushing after adding phosphorus is counterproductive.

Damaged growth does not recover. Watch new growth for indications of health.

Pics will help, your diagnosis may be in error or there may be multiple issues to resolve.
ill post pics 2marro theyre both sleeping they look healthyt overall ive had no problems but this issue atleast this run lol
lemme know whjat u guys think i should do i have already flushed an fed an its still progressing i think atleast on already damaged leaves
havent had much luck with this thread but im still trying i have now 2 phosphorus def on both my plants an i dont waqnna lose my crop this sucks how can i tell if im getting too much micronutrients? cause i read somewhere too much iron or zinc can cause a phosphorus def an i already ruled out ph being high or low an also ruled out salt build up on roots much help needed thanks SD-


Active Member
Phosphorus is unavailable to the plant and locked out with low ph in soil, below 6.2 or so in soil i believe. Also some soil becomes more acidic over time as it breaks down. Lime in the soil also loses its buffering ability. At 2 weeks into flower your plants will need extra amounts of P and K, needed due to the rapid growth seen in the stretch and for producing flowers. Check the ph of your water runoff, I had the same exact problem as you in the past when I ran soil, looked just like your pics and started 2 weeks into flower and got worse fast. Fed and watered 6.5 always, checked runoff for first time and it was 5.1 yikes, plants were locked out of phosphorus. Plants still finished, almost all fan leaves had died and gone and quality/yield were definitely effected. Just my experience. I've ran soiless ever since without any problems and will never go back to soil, ever.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What and how much / how often are you feeding?
What is the soil?

Medinugs. Sorry for your opinion on soil. You made mistakes and condemned the soil for it? Sad.
Adding extra P&K at 2 weeks is a week to early first off! I would guess your problem was to much P&K to early, causing a P&K tox issue. That will give you a yellowing condition starting at the bottom in the stem leaves and progressing up and out the branching. Only a minor P&K shift till the start of week 4 of flower. Sounds like you used a not so good soil too. I mean did it have any bio's in it to start? Lime in the soil will only loose it"s buffering ability if all the living Bio's in the soil die off, as it has nothing helping it.
That can happen from guess what? Over feeding. Especially if your using a synthetic nutrient and jack that factor up if it's Urea based! Running an AACT tea in soil, even with synthetics is a GREAT way to keep those living bio's IN. Of course you can buy them in many forms too. Look at most nutrient makers lines,,,,,,,,they contain some form of bio's for the soil and the quality makers have them for all forms of soiless ! Running a zyme? That's living bio's!!!!

Ph'ing the run off is only telling you the pH of the run off! Any good soil grow will self Ph if you keep the grow in good health.


Well-Known Member
Anyone think it's time for the OP to re-pot? There's only one image that gives us a glimpse of the pot vs. plant size, and I can't tell how deep the pot is.

How do you know it's a P def? You've mentioned it a couple of times as if you're sure of it.