Top leaves dried out, not a light burn though

So I have a 1000w hps light about 2 1/2 - 3 ft above the babies I got which have been growing for 5 weeks exactly today. They were thriving until this morning I woke up an checked on em, it looks like a light burn but how can it be if the light is so high? The temperature is about 74 f and 50% humidity so idk what the problem is......also I have another guy with one of his leaves curling, I'm assuming it's a ph problem, but I added a photo anyway for more insight, hope this turns around as I have jus started and paid good money for these seeds.



Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on in there. Just think of it like this. we can get a sun burn when it not to hot for us and so can a plant. good air flow is the might try to move or turn them once a day.


Well-Known Member
So I have a 1000w hps light about 2 1/2 - 3 ft above the babies I got which have been growing for 5 weeks exactly today. They were thriving until this morning I woke up an checked on em, it looks like a light burn but how can it be if the light is so high? The temperature is about 74 f and 50% humidity so idk what the problem is......also I have another guy with one of his leaves curling, I'm assuming it's a ph problem, but I added a photo anyway for more insight, hope this turns around as I have jus started and paid good money for these seeds.
Whats your feed schedule and medium? Did you just feed them? Airflow and strain, there's a lot that can be compiled with this info but with just a pic it's nothing but a guess. If you put more info it just means your answers can be more accurate.
My medium is made up of 60% fox farm ocean forest and 40% light warrior mixed, and no I haven't fed them yet, the soil should be enough nutes for the first month and a half since it's such a hot medium. The only additive I put in was neem oil for any future pests and fungus and a couple drops of ocean minerals in the water when I first watered them, the ph is 6.0- 6.5 and there's good air flow, I have a oscillating fan with 2 vents that suck air in and out through a filter. So idk what's going on...I took another picture this morning, it's getting worse...



Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU! i'm sure there will be an experienced grower around soon to help you. maybe for now you should just try to raise your lights a bit? also, a more focused picture closer to the plant will probably be asked for-what's up now makes it hard to focus on the problem areas. sorry i've got nothing for ya' but this post will at least 'bump' this too, so good luck!