Mystery problem


Hey , I thought it might be magnesium deficency , it should be getting everything it needs, 12 hours on 12 hours off a day ( has been interuptted many of times due to money, electric cut outs, timer didnt work ect but still grows fine and both are female's not herms still so i got lucky there ) The leaves feel dry and rough it seems to of effects all new growth after about half way up the plant , some are devolping tiny brown spots.

I think it might be one of these mabye?

1.Humidity - I have no idea what humidity it is in my room, i would say standard, quiet dry in the room.

2.Co2 - I do not provide any supplementry c02 incase thats my mistake

3.Overfeeding/ underfeeding , irregular watering patterns of soil ( ph tester is in the mail )

5. The problem im worried most about - ROOT ROT.

Iv read a few things and could be that. Although the magnesium additive I purchased did relieve some of the yellowness, and completely on my other plant.

Iv added some pictures below
The set up is
14W desktop fan blowing indrect
20W LED red & blue ( there flowering )
125W duel watt reflector hanging CFL - high lumen
100W cable hanged CFL - high lumen
1m x 1m x 2m hydroponic mylar tent
12/12 light
20 gallon buckets
miricle grow, bio bizz and perlite mix soil

Plant is a mystery sativa strain ( believe to be cheese or amnesia )

Iv added some pictures, one is purple to help distinguish the issue.
All help is very much appreciated !

Thank you :)



Thanks man reading through now, although iv had a look at some guides and already posted the problem up before , it was concluded to be a magnesium issue but that still hasn't solved it! :(


Well-Known Member
Kind of looks as if it may be a tad nute burn, and or an ph issue. The reason why I think it may be nute burn is the tell tell sign in the tips of your plants leaves..
Hey , I thought it might be magnesium deficency , it should be getting everything it needs, 12 hours on 12 hours off a day ( has been interuptted many of times due to money, electric cut outs, timer didnt work ect but still grows fine and both are female's not herms still so i got lucky there ) The leaves feel dry and rough it seems to of effects all new growth after about half way up the plant , some are devolping tiny brown spots.

I think it might be one of these mabye?

1.Humidity - I have no idea what humidity it is in my room, i would say standard, quiet dry in the room.

2.Co2 - I do not provide any supplementry c02 incase thats my mistake

3.Overfeeding/ underfeeding , irregular watering patterns of soil ( ph tester is in the mail )

5. The problem im worried most about - ROOT ROT.

Iv read a few things and could be that. Although the magnesium additive I purchased did relieve some of the yellowness, and completely on my other plant.

Iv added some pictures below
The set up is
14W desktop fan blowing indrect
20W LED red & blue ( there flowering )
125W duel watt reflector hanging CFL - high lumen
100W cable hanged CFL - high lumen
1m x 1m x 2m hydroponic mylar tent
12/12 light
20 gallon buckets
miricle grow, bio bizz and perlite mix soil

Plant is a mystery sativa strain ( believe to be cheese or amnesia )

Iv added some pictures, one is purple to help distinguish the issue.
All help is very much appreciated !

Thank you :)


Kind of looks as if it may be a tad nute burn, and or an ph issue. The reason why I think it may be nute burn is the tell tell sign in the tips of your plants leaves..
Iv discussed that issue i think it may be because iv added nutes ontop of pre-existing nutes in the soil? Shall I start watering with clean ph balanced water without nutes in for 2 or 3 weeks to fix that? its in its pre-flowering stage as quiet a few large white pistiles have emerged.


Well-Known Member
If your soil contains time released nutrients, the WORST thing you can do is try to flush your pots to remedy the solution as this will just release more nutrients into the soil. should have researched your soil mix a bit more, or used a soil that did not contain any nutrients in it beforehand.

Your options at this point are to lay off on the nutrients and hope the plant bounces back with regular watering; or remove the girls, replace the soil, remove as much of the old soil as you gently can from the roots and then re-pot.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% with shaded. I didn't see any flowers yet so I personally would re-pot and revert the lighting schedule back to Veg. It'll give your plant time to recover from shock before you flower again.


Well-Known Member
And that very well may be the issue. It's always to do a little flush (if using soil that's "pre - fertilized") so you don't have a build up of nutrients thus causing any future events from happening. Honestly I would avoid "pre- nuted" soil all together. I know that in some cases that's all that can be found at say wal mart, etc'. IDK how easy it is for you to access good soil, but I would most defiantly look into it. Then just watch, and listen to your plants needs. Trust me, she will tell you what she is needing when the time comes she needs food. ;)
Iv discussed that issue i think it may be because iv added nutes ontop of pre-existing nutes in the soil? Shall I start watering with clean ph balanced water without nutes in for 2 or 3 weeks to fix that? its in its pre-flowering stage as quiet a few large white pistiles have emerged.


Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry didn't see your question about laying off nutrients. Yeah, I would if I where you. Like said I also would change up the soil as well. Like a good organic "non" nuted soil. Then add your nutrients as you see fit.
If your soil contains time released nutrients, the WORST thing you can do is try to flush your pots to remedy the solution as this will just release more nutrients into the soil. should have researched your soil mix a bit more, or used a soil that did not contain any nutrients in it beforehand.

Your options at this point are to lay off on the nutrients and hope the plant bounces back with regular watering; or remove the girls, replace the soil, remove as much of the old soil as you gently can from the roots and then re-pot.


Well-Known Member
Most defiantly. I would also. However I wouldn't add back to a already pre nuted soil. If I did I would only feed if the plant needed it. I would say if flowered as is, the plant would be having to play catch up at the same time of having to flower causing it not to be at it's full potential. Like you said, I would wait for flowering..
If your soil contains time released nutrients, the WORST thing you can do is try to flush your pots to remedy the solution as this will just release more nutrients into the soil. should have researched your soil mix a bit more, or used a soil that did not contain any nutrients in it beforehand.

Your options at this point are to lay off on the nutrients and hope the plant bounces back with regular watering; or remove the girls, replace the soil, remove as much of the old soil as you gently can from the roots and then re-pot.