I have never been a thug.
one night I took a hunting knife into his house with me, with the intent to kill him and take his money and drugs. There I stood, behind him while he sat in his chair, back turned to me. I had my knife in my pocket, hand on the handle. I was just a few nerve impulses and 2 seconds away from plunging a 5 inch blade into his neck. I was no more than 30 seconds away from committing murder.
That is proof of contemplating violence, not actual violence. In that instance, humanity overcame the beast within. It's ok though, I wouldn't expect someone with inferior intelligence to be able to tell the difference without someone explaining it to them. That beast is within us all, only the more enlightened among us have the capacity to repress it.
Maybe why folks like you make up 80 percent of our prison system's population.
Contemplating violence? You took a knife with you to murder someone. Your posts speak volumes about your lack of humanity.
QUOTE="BigNBushy, post: 9953311, member: 613618"] one night I took a hunting knife into his house with me, with the intent to kill him and take his money and drugs. There I stood, behind him while he sat in his chair, back turned to me. I had my knife in my pocket, hand on the handle. I was just a few nerve impulses and 2 seconds away from plunging a 5 inch blade into his neck. I was no more than 30 seconds away from committing murder.
[/QUOTE]As to me and my intellect, what the fuck do you know about it? I am not the one constantly bloviating about how smart my race is. That's you!
Folks like me make up 80% of the prison population?
I am a decorated veteran, with multiple college degrees.
You are, by your own admission, a JUNKIE AND A THIEF.
If we went to any prison in the country, you would have infinitely more in common, with the average inmate, than I would.
thank you for your service!
group hug![]()
oh i see how this site is just deleted a huge article I wrote about how killemsoftly is gonna burn in hell just like the rest of the sinners on earth while me and Jesus sit up on a cloud laughing at him.. he's coming in hear insulting me and bveing very discriminitory against retardeds but you guys pick on my article because it speaks truths and facts and not just that jew college filled brainwashing that all you guys have been forced to acsept.
just saying he called my article retarded and it really hurt my feelings and gave me a bad impression of this site. This is why I'm afraid to post in other sections because of all the name calling and rude behavior that is no longer accepted in the cafe cuz we are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling?Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling.Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.
just saying..![]()
just saying he called my article retarded and it really hurt my feelings and gave me a bad impression of this site. This is why I'm afraid to post in other sections because of all the name calling and rude behavior that is no longer accepted in the cafe cuz we are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling?
One would have to be from Sanford to understand that Zimmerman did the right thing.
I am posting my feelings and facts in my articles calling them retarded is just like calling me retarded which is definitely breaking a few commandments and for that he's gonna burn in hell while me and Jesus are sitting on a cloud laughing at him. I could only imagine what kind of denizens are out in the other sections of this site. I think my duty is too the politics section maybe later after I get some followers we shall spread out into the other sectionsif you're not afraid to post in the politics section here, you've got nothing to fear posting else where.. secondly, calling someone's pbost retarded isn't the same as saying someone is going to burn in hell and jesus is going to lol at it, of course, imvho..
check out the rest of the site though m8, the politics section has always been known as the shark pool around these parts, but with the recent site update (about a week ago, they redid the entire site, fyi) admin has been trying to clean up the site a bit and put out the warnings about personal attacks no longer being permitted..
because fred sanford lived in the ghettohow does sanford's unique geographical location make it acceptable to chase after an unarmed, innocent child "in self defense"?
It has more to do with the cultural ethics of that enviroment....and want really happens there on a day to day basis....How does Sanford's unique geographical location make it acceptable to chase after an unarmed, innocent child "in self defense"?
It has more to do with the cultural ethics of that enviroment....and want really happens there on a day to day basis....