There are as many tricks to growing as there are growers, for Alaska, I think avoid Sativa crosses at all costs, most sats enjoy the great heat of the tropics, like Thai's buds or the many Hawaiian strains, stick to the Indica's, just as strong easier to grow in cooler climates, same for autos too,
In time you may become bored even disappointed with autos, as many think they (auto strains)haven't made their grade as yet, I think there is still much room for improvement with many auto strains, but don't let that put you off.
With 24 hour light coming up have to take advantage of that light and grow some(photo) indica's, once you have vegged them long enough, move them to bud ...simply by putting them in a closet arrival from work each day, and put them out you leave for work in the morn.
The biggest issue would have to be heating keeping the babes warm enough, look to getting a gardeners heating mat, one with grunt
best place for tips is here lol