Ttystikk's vertical goodness

hey tystikk,
yeah i know seems like a long finish but if figure a yielder like that will be worth it. Besides, maybe i get one on the lower end. the guy who sent me the freebie spoke about that plant with awe. He's been around, seen a lot. I figure if a guy like that uses phrases like "power', 'special' etc when he describes it I'm in. I'll probably only run one or 2. I got a plant count to live with and that's life right? when i first read up on the malawi i went: holy shit! what a beast! The 7ft thing intimidated me. Then i thought hey I can use this to my advantage. I remember you saying that you've found it tough at times to get everything filled in. I figured this african beast would prevent me from running into the same problem. Wanna hear a good one? I started 2 malawi's in wool. Theyseemed to have problems taking off ( i weigh my cubes so i know I'm bang on). so I tried peat pucks (normally don't use them as i find them a pita). The malawis in peat took off. They germed nearly overnight. I'm convinced that happened because it's a landrace from a tropical ecosystem and is adapted to very wet soil in their spring. Now i"m thinking these beasts will love high rh and grow like mad. I bet they will be unphased by mold/mildew and very pest resistant. Can't wait to see what happens.

so you redid your silo into 2 eh? you figure the new configuration is the way to go. Boy i"ll bet you'll be glad when you dial it all in. It's always a process isn't it?

I now understand why a lot of people are so resistant to change. It really does take a lot of energy to bob and weave, problem solve.

Allthat back to the drawing board stuff can get very tedious. lol
I'm excited to see how that strain does, seven feet means it might actually fill in a trellis!

I reconfigured several single bulb two panel silos into two Super Silos; two bulbs and four panels each. I did it to solve light distribution and growth pattern issues, and early results are encouraging.

Yes, the constant upgrading is a pain, but the rewards are well worth the effort. I've actually had people criticize me for making too many changes too quickly! I figure that once I have the answer I need, why wait to implement?
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Yeah it will be something to see. 7 ft beast! wow.
People always say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Once you know it needs improvement though it is broke and ya gotta do it. In my books anyway. Still it is a pita. I know cause I've had to do it. it;s not like yer taking the engine apart at the side of the road right? i assume yer stackin the lights? hope it works well for you.

Yeah it will be something to see. 7 ft beast! wow.
People always say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Once you know it needs improvement though it is broke and ya gotta do it. In my books anyway. Still it is a pita. I know cause I've had to do it. it;s not like yer taking the engine apart at the side of the road right? i assume yer stackin the lights? hope it works well for you.


Yes, Super Silo is 2kW stacked along the centerline of the silo, 30" radius x 75" tall trellis (does not include 16" or so of tuffbox and spacer) so 4 plants each get their own quarter slice of those 2kW of lighting = 500W, and each plant has a full 25 ft² (4' wide x 6.25' tall) to spread out on.

Given enough veg time, even notoriously slow growing indicas like pre '98 Bubba Kush will fill in one of these. 'Enough time' is generally only an extra week over the lankiest stretchiest sativa ever- at least, BEFORE the flip, lol
Yes, Super Silo is 2kW stacked along the centerline of the silo, 30" radius x 75" tall trellis (does not include 16" or so of tuffbox and spacer) so 4 plants each get their own quarter slice of those 2kW of lighting = 500W, and each plant has a full 25 ft² (4' wide x 6.25' tall) to spread out on.

Given enough veg time, even notoriously slow growing indicas like pre '98 Bubba Kush will fill in one of these. 'Enough time' is generally only an extra week over the lankiest stretchiest sativa ever- at least, BEFORE the flip, lol
interesting. so are you saying that you've been able to get indicas to fill in the silo with only a few weeks of veg?

This seemed like far too informative a post to just get dumped into the troller's trash bin, so I'm reposting it here;

The comment I responded to was that even if electricity powers the car, something still has to be burned to generate that power.

My response;

No, in fact, all you have to do is generate electricity. This does not necessarily equate to burning something and even when it does, WHAT gets burned and at what level of overall efficiency still matter a great deal.

The short answer is 'fuel cells.' It seems that these are already working their way down the price curve and up in manufacturing scale. Right now, today, instead of paying the usual power bill, it is far more efficient to install one of these on your home and use it as a 'cogeneration' facility; use/sell the power generated- and the heat is a nice FREE bonus you can do all sorts of heretofore impractically expensive things with, like heat a warm water aquaponics tank through a northern winter. Or your garage, outbuildings, barn, greenhouse, doghouse, hot tub, you get the idea.

Yes, for now the fuel cell will run on natural gas, fracked and all, but A. That's much better than coal, B. Far more efficient use of energy because you use more of the BTus and fewer are wasted, C. The power generated makes running your electric car (toaster, Xbox, hot tub, etc) even less expensive than it already is, D. It's YOUR POWER, not subject to rolling blackouts, electrical outages, etc. And it will pay for itself in reduced/eliminated electric and gas bills in just a few years, far faster than solar or wind.

Yes, but it's still using fossil fuel, you say. It need not; they love to use methane from bio sources for instance, and hydrogen is the ideal fuel for them, with no CO² produced at all. The hydrogen itself can be made a variety of ways, again, not all of which need be fossil fuel based.

Electricity is the most efficient and fungible form of energy, and it will become ever more so in the future. Elon Musk may have a vested interest in his opinion, but I think his bet on Tesla is visionary. Electric cars ARE simply better. They are for sure a lot less mechanically complex and therefore potentially more reliable and durable. The battery issue is a big one, but my educated guess is that it too will yield to at least incremental improvement from now on. That sort of incremental improvement will put its efficiency out of reach versus gasoline power, it's only a matter of time.

Finally, those fuel cells emit CO² as a byproduct of electrical cogeneration... anybody think of a use for that? AT HOME?! LOL

Yeah, the future is bright. Grab your shades!
interesting. so are you saying that you've been able to get indicas to fill in the silo with only a few weeks of veg?

I said I was able to do it with only a few ADDITIONAL weeks in veg, vs a sativa. It needs to fill in a larger percentage of the trellis before flip because of the shorter bloom duration.
aahh..i got it. Sorry ty, quite tired today. weather's horrid here. woke up to snow.

what respective veg times do you use? i guess you veg in situ? how much of a trellis will you fill in before you flip? sorry for a lot of questions, am about flip and have never done a trellis, vert or otherwise.
aahh..i got it. Sorry ty, quite tired today. weather's horrid here. woke up to snow.

what respective veg times do you use? i guess you veg in situ? how much of a trellis will you fill in before you flip? sorry for a lot of questions, am about flip and have never done a trellis, vert or otherwise.

I know about that. It did the same here yesterday, today is better already; no snow AND it's not windy!

Standard veg time around here is eight weeks; two weeks apiece in each of four veg stages before they're carried to the silo and espaliered into place. ..which answers your question about being in situ. No, because it's a productivity mistake. Maybe. More on this in a moment.

IME, once an indica gets rolling it can grow very fast in veg, sativa dominant strains don't grow any faster for me in veg. The trick comes AFTER the flip; since all strains spend the same first 40% of bloom stretching, you have to plan ahead accordingly and flip only once the indica has filled in a larger percentage of its trellis. This generally amounts to a week's worth of difference, which is then made up on the back side, due to the aforementioned shorter blooming time. I hope that didn't just sound like circular logic, lol
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Back to the productivity thing; until now, I've built my op around the idea that a bloom room's job is blooming, not vegging, so no veg time in the bloom room.

My trellis panels are big, however, and I just turned them upright so my girls have to grow up and fill in a six foot tall panel. My veg tent is not only not tall enough, but even if it were it would not be able to effectively light the lower branches with overhead fixtures.

To solve this problem, I'm about to go to a hybrid veg system; every stage save the final prebloom veg is still treated the same, although I'm making each zone bigger and adding more light. This time, however, that final prebloom stage is going to move onto the Super Silo trellis.

Advantages include carrying and installing a smaller plant that's less likely to be badly damaged in transit, giving the plant a chance to grow onto the trellis before flip in order to fill it in better, getting light on the lower branches to encourage their productivity... AND, since they'll be in a bloom room already, I can flip anytime in that first couple of weeks in order to schedule the harvest to be right on time, whether the stage is full of 7 week indicas or ten week sativas. This plus upgrades to the earlier veg stages should provide a steady stream of healthy and robust plants, which should fill in the trellis much more reliably.

Lots of 'shoulds' in there, but they're necessary; if the plants don't respond well early, there is no catching up later. Having multiple discrete (NOT 'discreet'; pet peeve alert!) veg stages gives me lots of chances to see how they're progressing, both in an immediate sense and in relation to batches that have gone before- and how those batches ultimately turned out in terms of health, vigor, yield and quality.
Good stuff: bobbing and weaving. It'll be worth it amigo; you'll have 'em dialed in soon.

That politics section is something else eh? Never knew how truly crazy some of the dudes her are. Wow. 'nuff said. Ever notice none of the 'dudettes' are that nuts? Wonder why?

Anyhoo..hope you are enjoying the holidays. Cheers ty.
Good stuff: bobbing and weaving. It'll be worth it amigo; you'll have 'em dialed in soon.

That politics section is something else eh? Never knew how truly crazy some of the dudes her are. Wow. 'nuff said. Ever notice none of the 'dudettes' are that nuts? Wonder why?

Anyhoo..hope you are enjoying the holidays. Cheers ty.

Everyone gets an opinion. I notice how few are willing to let their opinion stand against empirical results...

And that's why I prefer REAL scientific discussions over 'political science.'
I just showed an out of state visitor my garden, and she burst into tears of joy. The ability to pursue what so many can only dream of doing is a gift I feel privileged to be reminded of anew.
I just showed an out of state visitor my garden, and she burst into tears of joy. The ability to pursue what so many can only dream of doing is a gift I feel privileged to be reminded of anew.
It is a thing of beauty. no doubt. I'm chomping at the bit for spring. Another frost warning this week. I'm concerned the apples will get buggered. Again. This happened last year. Sad.

the politcal/economic stuff will probably be never fully analyzable (is that even a word?lol) unless some genius invents some radical new equations. It is still fascinating, in my books, though. I'd hoped to see some interesting discussions but it's very partisan and soon devolves into personal attacks. Too bad.
The few who really try to work towards political solutions to real world problems are too often drowned out by those with a stake in inflaming the chaos.
The few who really try to work towards political solutions to real world problems are too often drowned out by those with a stake in inflaming the chaos.
Bang on: that old divide and conquer ploy. Confusion reigns while profits rise.
Or guys using the forums as a 'dog' to kick.
Bang on: that old divide and conquer ploy. Confusion reigns while profits rise.
Or guys using the forums as a 'dog' to kick.

Yeah, Fuck that shit, I don't have time for it.

I got work to do, and a limited time to do it. There will always be naysayers, but talk is cheap. Only action can bring results, and ONLY RESULTS COUNT.
I hear the 420 thing in front of the state legislature was quite an event. Have you ever attended ty?
I think a private, 3 day, 420 event would be awesome. Bands, bbq, broads and bongs. You know, the 4 b's! We could start a 4B Club! Ty for Prez!
Yeah, Fuck that shit, I don't have time for it.

I got work to do, and a limited time to do it. There will always be naysayers, but talk is cheap. Only action can bring results, and ONLY RESULTS COUNT.
i hear ya bro. Put up or shut up eh? Sometimes there is only one option: grind away until you reach the finish line. Go get 'em tiger. No prisoners!
P.S. We just got 3 seasons in under 48 hours and several more frost warnings on the way. Haven't seen a spring this tough for farming in a while. Good thing we're indoors!
I hear the 420 thing in front of the state legislature was quite an event. Have you ever attended ty?
I think a private, 3 day, 420 event would be awesome. Bands, bbq, broads and bongs. You know, the 4 b's! We could start a 4B Club! Ty for Prez!

I've seen that job, and I don't want it. Besides, I wasn't born on American soil, so I am constitutionally prohibited. I'm a Canuck born to American parents, so I don't have to claim either bunch!

Truth is, I'm an American because I want to be one; I took the oath, I was eighteen so I was old enough to know what I was doing, and it was a conscious decision on my part; even today, I have the option of registering as a Landed Canadian Citizen.

This is not the land of my birth, but it's the land of my heritage. Flawed as it is, it's my country until they ask me to leave. I will fight for it, and for my fellow citizens. FWIW; I volunteered for the US Army at eighteen, they refused me due to eyesight.

As a citizen, I will do it MY WAY. :)

I enjoyed 4/20 with plenty of 420 @4:20 (among many other moments) in the company of family and friends. I hope everyone enjoyed their day as much as I did!
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