US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
It makes about as much sense as your, seashells are just rocks, explanation. That's to say, it doesn't make any sense.

Water is made up of hydrogen, so you should be able to consume hydrogen and get the same benefits as water, right?

Isn't that how your logic works? Seashells are rocks, and food is dirt? Hydrogen is water?
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Well-Known Member
It makes about as much sense as your, seashells are just rocks, explanation. That's to say, it doesn't make any sense.

Water is made up of hydrogen, so you should be able to consume hydrogen and get the same benefits as water, right?

Isn't that how your logic works? Seashells are rocks, and food is dirt?
so are you saying seashells can't make rocks and dirt can't be used as food by the blacks? cuz i have pretty much proved you wrong about every single lie you belief.


Well-Known Member
so are you saying seashells can't make rocks and dirt can't be used as food by the blacks? cuz i have pretty much proved you wrong about every single lie you belief.
I'm saying seashells AREN'T rocks, and dirt ISN'T a food source.

This is quite amusing. You're a pretty good troll!

Pretty sure trolling is against RIU rules though. :(


Well-Known Member
I hear what people say about the limitations of electric cars, but I'm going to get one anyway. I plan to power it with a fuel cell installed at my house, where I can use the excess power and heat.

This is definitely less expensive, more environmentally responsible and more flexible in terms of finding power than any other fuel source, precisely because electricity is so fungible.
You've still gotta burn SOMETHING to power the car...


Well-Known Member
Trolling is definitely allowed.
Depends on your definition of 'spam-like' posts.

If the mods consider an obvious troll as 'spam-like' it's absolutely against the rules.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.
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