Blood moons start tonight.

Not saying its biblical prophecy. Thats what everyone else is saying (news) . I merely stated it was rare, and interesting. lol

How can this be a biblical prophecy if it can be predicted hundreds of years in advance? Millions of years? Think about it dude. Just the universe acting the way the universe acts. Any meaning you attribute to it is on you. But if you wanna sell your shit to me at a deep, deep discount - because Jebus is coming - PM my ass.

Seriously, you need to reconsider what a "true understanding" is. Balls of matter in motion, that's all.
wont be any discounts. lol And I wouldn't consider a strain that hit HT - shit. lol

How can this be a biblical prophecy if it can be predicted hundreds of years in advance? Millions of years? Think about it dude. Just the universe acting the way the universe acts. Any meaning you attribute to it is on you. But if you wanna sell your shit to me at a deep, deep discount - because Jebus is coming - PM my ass.

Seriously, you need to reconsider what a "true understanding" is. Balls of matter in motion, that's all.
lol. Natural event? So, do you know what happened the last time this happened? The 6 day war. Not saying that was the cause, and not saying I believe in all of it either. Just saying what if. However the fact that the last time it happened being in 1600 - 1900 is indeed rare. Not to mention it happened on the Jewish holiday.

You do know that the holiday in question is lunar based, right? Rotfl

I'm done. Use google. Type in something like "blood moons debunked". You might sleep better - and learn something to boot.
Not saying its biblical prophecy. Thats what everyone else is saying (news) . I merely stated it was rare, and interesting. lol

Ok. I'm being nice.

But Dankster, rare has no meaning when it comes to things like this. This is a totally predictable phenomenon. Wanna know when it will happen next? Check NASAs website. Any alignment of heavenly bodies is rare - but normal. There's always a shadow being cast somewhere.

As far as previous "blood moons" occurring at times of special significance in the holy land... The author misrepresented the truth. That's another way of saying that he lied but did so with enough ambiguity to sometimes avoid out and out lying.

Now back to what you said about me not "understanding"... If you still think that my logical argument is lacking in understanding - you may wanna run for congress as a tea party candidate.
anyways. back to blood moons.. Looks like we all are still here. looks like I didnt smoke enough last night. I never seen the moon turn myself. You'd better believe I was up, out on that porch at 3:am with my water bong, socks & shorts just toking away. haha ;)
Your blowing this way out of proportion bro. I never said it had a meaning really. All I was simply saying is it doesnt happen all the time, its rare. The last one happen between 1600-1900. So in my book thats rare. Started this thread because I had thought it would be a fun thread to shoot the shit & joke with one another not bicker back & forth about who's right, who's wrong. Ok, your right. ;) enough said. :)
Ok. I'm being nice.

But Dankster, rare has no meaning when it comes to things like this. This is a totally predictable phenomenon. Wanna know when it will happen next? Check NASAs website. Any alignment of heavenly bodies is rare - but normal. There's always a shadow being cast somewhere.

As far as previous "blood moons" occurring at times of special significance in the holy land... The author misrepresented the truth. That's another way of saying that he lied but did so with enough ambiguity to sometimes avoid out and out lying.

Now back to what you said about me not "understanding"... If you still think that my logical argument is lacking in understanding - you may wanna run for congress as a tea party candidate.
I feel ripped off to the max.

First, it was windy and overcast in Boston and I couldn`t see the Moon. So I went there, and low and behold it was just red like mars. It had not turned to blood yet and I`m not gonna meet God. It was red light from the red ring around the Earth shining on the moon.

Sucks man. They said it was gonna be a blood moon, not special effects moon.
Right on. Me neither. lol
I feel ripped off to the max.

First, it was windy and overcast in Boston and I couldn`t see the Moon. So I went there, and low and behold it was just red like mars. It had not turned to blood yet and I`m not gonna meet God. It was red light from the red ring around the Earth shining on the moon.

Sucks man. They said it was gonna be a blood moon, not special effects moon.
It was cloudy as hell here and I was lucky to see the moon at all. Pretty disappointing, so I smoked a bowl, to pay tribute, and had a good night anyway. :eyesmoke:
Sure was. Oh well, lol. I still got to stand out on my porch blazing my water bong, shorts & all. Still cant believe this 30 degree weather though. lol
It was cloudy as hell here and I was lucky to see the moon at all. Pretty disappointing, so I smoked a bowl, to pay tribute, and had a good night anyway. :eyesmoke:
Your blowing this way out of proportion bro. I never said it had a meaning really. All I was simply saying is it doesnt happen all the time, its rare. The last one happen between 1600-1900. So in my book thats rare. Started this thread because I had thought it would be a fun thread to shoot the shit & joke with one another not bicker back & forth about who's right, who's wrong. Ok, your right. ;) enough said. :)

Actually, it did not happen between 1600-1900 but has happened several times since 1900. This will happen 8 more times (beyond this one) before 2100. Some of them will, by definition, fall on Jewish Feast Days. Seems that god has a lot to say.

Sorry to bite your head off. I am hypersensitive to religious nutbaggery.
I guess your calling me a liar to huh? Read that post... thats the info that Us Today posted, so maybe you should take that up with them.. * edit * no tetrads, notably from 1600 to 1900. Thats why I had said they was rare.
Actually, it did not happen between 1600-1900 but has happened several times since 1900. This will happen 8 more times (beyond this one) before 2100. Some of them will, by definition, fall on Jewish Feast Days. Seems that god has a lot to say.

Sorry to bite your head off. I am hypersensitive to religious nutbaggery.
It's all good. Just misconstruction is all. All I was saying was I thought it was a rare event. Not like say Lunar eclipses, which is more common.
Actually, it did not happen between 1600-1900 but has happened several times since 1900. This will happen 8 more times (beyond this one) before 2100. Some of them will, by definition, fall on Jewish Feast Days. Seems that god has a lot to say.

Sorry to bite your head off. I am hypersensitive to religious nutbaggery.
Fuck that fucking moon you good damn hippies get over it its fucking red to your mortal eyes cheese and rice..couldnt even light up my mountain biking trail I got a fucking dart in my leg yes I am a Caucasian American living in mexico before you ask.but it did bring the blood...
Hippie. Who me.. Damn right. Proud of it 2. haha
Fuck that fucking moon you good damn hippies get over it its fucking red to your mortal eyes cheese and rice..couldnt even light up my mountain biking trail I got a fucking dart in my leg yes I am a Caucasian American living in mexico before you ask.


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what i find most interesting about it is the past occurrences: in 1967 when Israel regained land/Jerusalem back, in 1948 when Israel became a nation (which was a prophecy fulfilled), and in 1492 when the Jews were kicked out of Spain. the tetrad is not fulfilling biblical prophecy per se other than there "being signs in the sun, moon and stars" for His Second Coming. also, signs are not for the Church, but for Israel. after all, Jesus did say that Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone for the nations, and we certainly see that today. we are seeing exactly what was described: as a woman travails in labor, with birth pains getting closer and closer together, as well as stronger...that's what we are seeing now. earthquakes, storms, etc., will continue to increase. it's a final warning...a final pleading to the people to repent, for He is coming quickly.