Topping V.S Bending (LST)


Active Member
hey i have used both methods and bending worked a little better . tell me what you think and if you have any other methods let us know:peace:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i think a combination of both is best. top the plant and then bend the new branches away from each other. I did that for the first time this year and im loving it my plant looks like an awesome bush.



Well-Known Member
Do you have to top or bend?

I haven't been doing anything to my plant...

does this increase yields or something? Is is necessary?


Well-Known Member
hey i have used both methods and bending worked a little better . tell me what you think and if you have any other methods let us know:peace:
I always bend,but I have topped when I was growing shorter strains to force more branching.Their are other methods like SCROG or SOG! Ultimately you can bend all branches and have big, luscious bud sites that will get alot of light to them! KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Bending a plant over triggers the plant to grow branches. When i finish my plants the branches are like 2to3 feet long.

The only trimming i do is the lower branches that are weak and not getting much sun. I also trim some of the little buds that are not getting much light.

When ya cut the top off a plant count how many branches ya have after ya cut the top. That is how many buds ya will get. You do more harm then good when yua cut the top off.

Anyone that has a few crops under there light will not cut the top off there plants.


Active Member
you dont have to anything it is just to make the plant shorter and growm more like a bush in stead of a tree . topping also makes the plant have 2 colas instead of one main cola
Do you have to top or bend?

I haven't been doing anything to my plant...

does this increase yields or something? Is is necessary?


Active Member
aight man thanks for the advice :hug: and for sure LEGALIZE IT
I always bend,but I have topped when I was growing shorter strains to force more branching.Their are other methods like SCROG or SOG! Ultimately you can bend all branches and have big, luscious bud sites that will get alot of light to them! KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
thanks for your knowledge:peace:
Bending a plant over triggers the plant to grow branches. When i finish my plants the branches are like 2to3 feet long.

The only trimming i do is the lower branches that are weak and not getting much sun. I also trim some of the little buds that are not getting much light.

When ya cut the top off a plant count how many branches ya have after ya cut the top. That is how many buds ya will get. You do more harm then good when yua cut the top off.

Anyone that has a few crops under there light will not cut the top off there plants.


Well-Known Member
i top'd one of my plants last year thinking more the one cola would be better but in the end one main cola was better. this is one of thos things ppl will argue i think its all wut u prefer.


Active Member
bending is the technique where you tie a string or something to the top of the plant or by a leaf wherever you want it to go down .

stake or tie the other end of the string to a rock , bending plant !:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::peace:
When u guys say bend the plant do u mean has in the stem or bend down the leaf let me know
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