The good, the bad, and the ugly (states to grow in)


Well-Known Member
And please don't refer me to the NORML map of the country...I want to read real stories. Stories form outside of the States would be cool too.


Well-Known Member
well i reside in New York. and a few months ago i got caught with about 9 grams of marijuana and a pact pipe. this was the first time i've really had a run in with the law. first i was scheduled to court, around a month from the date of arrest, but then i got a letter saying that i just had to report to a probation officer and she would determine my fate... so long story short, i just got 60 days of probation out of the whole ordeal... not too bad of a punishment for a first time offence of something like that :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Would imagine so. NY has too many people to bust em' all. My friend in Ohio got caught at night with a quarter and a pipe in a park parking lot. The cop just made him throw it in the woods. Retard showed up there the next day trying to look for it! Of course there wasn't anyone there waiting for him or anything, but it was still kind of stupid.


New Member
Kansas has mandatory minimums and enforce it rigorously. My dad got caught with a joint there in the 80's, and is still on the run from them. I got caugth with an ounce, and they gave me two years prison time.


Well-Known Member
jesus, thats crazy. from ohio where the cop made someone throw the pot away to kansas where you get 2 years jail for an O. damn... i would just say go for a medically accepted state and try to get a fake medic ID or something...


Active Member
georgia gotta be the worst. 1oz is a felony. 1 to 5 years prison time or 1 to 10 years probation. its all up to the judge


Well-Known Member
Kentucky is fairly good. Most cops are forgiving unless it's State Police, then they don't give many breaks for posession. No breaks for growing period. However the laws are good. Less then 8oz is a misdemeanor posession, less than 5 plants is a misdemeanor cultivation.
Ky is now the biggest producer of outdoor grown weed. The daniel Boone National Forrest is the premier growing grounds. It however is now the heaviest patroled area in the US. Military chopers fly almost all summer nonstop. The local and state police officers work extra duty hours on weed patrol. They get goverment funding to pay their salaries during those summer months. It's funny they get all dressed up in swat clothes and into the woods they go. The have chopers, special vehicles, and this year they are going to be using a unmanned drone plane. It was in the papper last month. It can stay airborne for 6-8 hrs searching for weed using a camera that lights up weed in a different color. They are going to fly it basicly every day weather permitting in addition to the chopers. This is why I now am a indoor grower only. To big of a risk here. Oh and did I tell you that KY has a tax law concerning weed. You must buy a tax stamp if your going to grow and report your sales? The state get 6% sales tax on all weed sales! Who the hell is going to pay that? Well if you get busted growing they can charge you with tax evation as well and force you to pay the tax on the street value. I new a guy busted with 20 plants on his property. The state says 1 plant is worth 2000 USD he got three years and a 2400 USD fine. He did 6 months in the county and paid his fine. Did the rest on probation.


Well-Known Member
I live in Canada, when i was 15 i got busted with just about a qp all dimed up on my way to school....dont i went to court for about 8 months or so on remand, in the end i ended up getting a discharge of some sort with few community service hours, keep in mind this was my first charge ever as a juvenile, now thats luck....just recently i had the cops weisle there way into my place some how while i was entertaining guests and busted me for 60 dollars street value they was a couple grams....and i got a 200 dollar fine for that after going to court for like over a year...........and OUCH.....5-10 years....if your gonna smoke pot move to canada....its literally almost tolerated all over!!!!


Well-Known Member
georgia gotta be the worst. 1oz is a felony. 1 to 5 years prison time or 1 to 10 years probation. its all up to the judge
georgia is not that bad man, if you look at the laws you have to have a shitload to get alot of time. ive been tagged in ga twice with more that 14 oz. both times. 1st time wasnt my fault, i was just in the car with a retard and it was his. second time was me being a dumbass. i served 7 months for the two charges combined.

I know peeps in GA that got popped with 10+ lbs and only served like 15 months in jail total.

They care more about meth and cocaine and heroin in GA. Your right about it being up to the judge tho, cuz a judge has the right to give you hell if he/she wants to.


Well-Known Member
Ky is now the biggest producer of outdoor grown weed. The daniel Boone National Forrest is the premier growing grounds.
I call shenanigans. Source your info.

It however is now the heaviest patroled area in the US. Military chopers fly almost all summer nonstop. The local and state police officers work extra duty hours on weed patrol. They get goverment funding to pay their salaries during those summer months. It's funny they get all dressed up in swat clothes and into the woods they go. The have chopers, special vehicles, and this year they are going to be using a unmanned drone plane. It was in the papper last month. It can stay airborne for 6-8 hrs searching for weed using a camera that lights up weed in a different color. They are going to fly it basicly every day weather permitting in addition to the chopers. This is why I now am a indoor grower only. To big of a risk here.
There is no such camera. There is no special heat signature coming from a pot plant, no magic THC-detecting camera lens, just pictures and eyeballs.

Oh and did I tell you that KY has a tax law concerning weed. You must buy a tax stamp if your going to grow and report your sales? The state get 6% sales tax on all weed sales! Who the hell is going to pay that? Well if you get busted growing they can charge you with tax evation as well and force you to pay the tax on the street value. I new a guy busted with 20 plants on his property. The state says 1 plant is worth 2000 USD he got three years and a 2400 USD fine. He did 6 months in the county and paid his fine. Did the rest on probation.
The marijuana tax stamp is a Federal thing, passed back in 1939 with the help of ol' Harry Anslinger.

While you're doing research before you post next time, you might want to give some thought to spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.


New Member
georgia gotta be the worst. 1oz is a felony. 1 to 5 years prison time or 1 to 10 years probation. its all up to the judge
ANy amount testable is 1 yr county the first time in kansas, and the second time possesion of any amount is automatic felony posession w/ 2 yrs mandatory.

1 joint= automatic felony


Well-Known Member
I call shenanigans. Source your info.

Im sorry you are correct I did not type what I was reading. The daniel Boone National Forrest area is the largest producing area. This is made up of KY and TN. They slightly produced more plants than California last year. Interestingly the seizure rate was more than twice that in KY & TN vs. CA
These numbers can be found on several sites NORML, DEA etc.

There is no such camera. There is no special heat signature coming from a pot plant, no magic THC-detecting camera lens, just pictures and eyeballs. Spectral Camera Spots Marijuana Plants
Please read this from this was from 2000. It is my understanding that the technology is much more advanced now.

The marijuana tax stamp is a Federal thing, passed back in 1939 with the help of ol' Harry Anslinger.
State Tax Stamp Data - NORML
You are correct about the Feds, However several states have inacted their own tax. The link above shows which states and gives some good info about each. Take a look you might be suprised.

While you're doing research before you post next time, you might want to give some thought to spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.
Just because Im from the Commonwealth doesn't mean Im a inbread hillybilly! A redneck maybe LOL. I have plenty of research as you might find if you take the time to read the links provided. About the spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs you are correct I will try harder for you, the beer gets the better of me at night, sorry. You would think that my agriculture degree from the University of Kentucky would have covered grammer, guess not.


Well-Known Member
Kansas has mandatory minimums and enforce it rigorously. My dad got caught with a joint there in the 80's, and is still on the run from them. I got caugth with an ounce, and they gave me two years prison time.

2 years for an ounce of weed!!!


Well-Known Member
Back in the late 70's, I was living in Ravalli County, Mt.
A buddy of mine was MISTER ORGANIC FARMER and, dead center in his garden was a single, 12'-15' pot plant. I was over visiting one day when a bunch of uniformed cops showed up, explaining that one of his neighbors had called them, suspecting he was growing pot in his garden.
Mr. O.G. welcomed them in and we all proceeded out back into his garden area, where O.G. boasted and crowed about this and that organic blah blah, all the while the cops looking for this alleged plant.
They never found it . . . they were looking around the 3'-5' area and somehow couldn't see the HUGE plant hovering above everything else, even the corn!
This is absolutely true.
I'm sure things have changed re: where/how to look for pot in the ensuing years, but Montana is huge and I haven't read anything indicating it would be a bad place to do a grow today. Got the medical legalized and possession has been downgraded to a "don't bother" misdemeanor if you're over 21.
BTW - Used to live in Louisville area and even back in 77' a whole lot of pot was being grown in Ky.
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Well-Known Member
florida sucks. but sometimes if you find the right cops... they can be "cool". i got caught with a bowl (doggies found it!) and they just threw it out and let me go. but that was just a pipe... i dunno