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I always thought that the women's bathroom was cleaner. I soon found that the only difference is that it doesn't have a urinal and has a fragrance thing to make it smell good.

Not at all. They just front like they are all cleaner than men. After having a party, the men's bathroom would have a few drops of piss on the floor. In the women's bathroom: every toilet clogged, full of black water and overflowing, dozens of rolls of TP used, garbage all over the place except the garbage, hair everywhere...
Not at all. They just front like they are all cleaner than men. After having a party, the men's bathroom would have a few drops of piss on the floor. In the women's bathroom: every toilet clogged, full of black water and overflowing, dozens of rolls of TP used, garbage all over the place except the garbage, hair everywhere...
Chicks=bathroom trolls?
Chicks=bathroom trolls?
Indeed they are. Tampon wrappers everywhere, pubes and urine on the toilet seat, swisher guts in the trash can(:D), blood on the floor... etc. I could go on but the images so distinctly engraved in my brain are making me sick.
when i got married my bathroom and bedroom both got messier with random things everywhere. But definately more sanitary. Ill take sanitary:neutral:
Nothing in the world better then burying your face in some Golden Curls ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I love my girl... Be back In a bit ... Woo hoo free pussy
Nothing in the world better then burying your face in some Golden Curls ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I love my girl... Be back In a bit ... Woo hoo free pussy

Thanks for a reminder on one of the many reasons i got married.

Too bad shes working till ten:cry:

porntube time:o:?
Indeed they are. Tampon wrappers everywhere, pubes and urine on the toilet seat, swisher guts in the trash can(:D), blood on the floor... etc. I could go on but the images so distinctly engraved in my brain are making me sick.

What kind of girls do you hang out with? That just sounds nasty, lol.
If females in general are always saying they want equal rights.
Then why do females always seperate themselves, and say they should be treated differently because they are female?

I personally don't want complete equality. If there was ever a draft, being a woman means I'm exempt, and I'm down with that.

WOULD you dudes quit whining like bictches and learn to read. it does NOT disclude you .
Now be good.

*tackles Lacy and smothers her with love* lmao

Ok, how about legalized prostitution? Fer it? Agin it? I'm fer it!

I'm for it. If it were legal, it'd be safer for the women doing it, and then men going. There could be standards, fucking regular std screenings, things like that that could make it safer for everyone. If it were legal, it'd be a lot harder for someone to be forced into illegal prostitution, because why would customers do it illegally when they could do it legally?

I"m not sure what to think about this subject stoney gurl. My first intial response is one of shock and discust and I am not exactly sure why.
Maybe because of the way it is stereotyped. All the movies and news braodcast it in such a negative way.There just seems to be such shame that goes with the subject. I mean really....even women who don't sell themselves and just enjoy sex are often looked down apon in the same type of light. Maybe thats part of the double standard. ...not sure.:confused:

I do think that for many of the women who choose this type of career have messed up value systems. They have not been valued in the right way ffrom the get-go and spend the rest of their lives trying to validate themselves in alternative ways...much of which do nothing but prove themselves worthless, so the cycle continues.

I have met some $2000 a night escort service 'females' who claim that at least they are not sluts and GIVING it away :evil:
Please don't ask about this as it was NOT by CHOICE:evil::evil::evil:

Either way, I can't get past the fact that they are selling sexual acts for profit (money) It just seems so totally immoral to me that I don't understand how this lifestyle does not affect their entire persona and mental being. :shock::confused: How do these women separate themselves from their job?

What if you have kids? What do you tell them? Mommy has lots of different boyfriends?:confused::peace:

I just can't see it as being a healthy alternative lifestyle or career :confused:

Sorry stoney chick. i honestly like you too.:hug:

I can't say I agree with a lot of that....I mean, I know women who look at in a business way. One girl asked me why she should get a job like mine, to make less in 8 hours than she makes in 1 doing what she does?

I know a lot of girls do it for the wrong reason, think it's all they're worth, whatever, but there are some women out there that just made the choice and are doing what they want to get the money they want to live the life they want.

And that's beside the point, everyone's responsible for their own actions, makes their own choices. I don't feel bad for people who choose to be victims.

Not at all. They just front like they are all cleaner than men. After having a party, the men's bathroom would have a few drops of piss on the floor. In the women's bathroom: every toilet clogged, full of black water and overflowing, dozens of rolls of TP used, garbage all over the place except the garbage, hair everywhere...

That's only because the women's bathroom is always way more busy than a men's room. This is a FACT. Do you know how many times I've been out at a club, or somewhere public, and I've used the men's bathroom just to avoid the line for the women's?
And I have to say, nothing beats the look on a man's face when he's standing at the urinal and you walk out of the stall.

lmao, I once went into a men's bathroom to post a poster for something, and while I was in one stall putting it up, this baseball team came in, like I guess they were taking a break from practice. It was PACKED. That was probably the funniest moment I've had in a men's bathroom, walking out into THAT.
Nothing in the world better then burying your face in some Golden Curls ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I love my girl... Be back In a bit ... Woo hoo free pussy

How come it is only guys talking here? Why does that always happen?
cause they are horny buggers:hump:

yeah but were talking about how awesome woman are.

doesnt that fly?:hump:
well don't stop there.....:mrgreen:

What kind of girls do you hang out with? That just sounds nasty, lol.
yeah...what chiceh said. :confused:
I went in a men bathroom once. :roll:
but it wasn't to put up a poster. :-?
And I have to say, nothing beats the look on a man's face when he's standing at the urinal and you walk out of the stall.

lmao, I once went into a men's bathroom to post a poster for something, and while I was in one stall putting it up, this baseball team came in, like I guess they were taking a break from practice. It was PACKED. That was probably the funniest moment I've had in a men's bathroom, walking out into THAT.
this is the qustion


:hug:sneaks uo behind wikid and smothers her wif love?:hug::shock:
I personally don't want complete equality. If there was ever a draft, being a woman means I'm exempt, and I'm down with that.

*tackles Lacy and smothers her with love* lmao:D

I'm for it. If it were legal, it'd be safer for the women doing it, and then men going. There could be standards, fucking regular std screenings, things like that that could make it safer for everyone. If it were legal, it'd be a lot harder for someone to be forced into illegal prostitution, because why would customers do it illegally when they could do it legally?

I have to admit that I have harsh opinions about this topic and probably shouldn't even respond. Yes there could be advantages that I hadn't thought of. I just can't get over the fact that someone would choose that for a life.:shock:

I can't say I agree with a lot of that....I mean, I know women who look at in a business way. One girl asked me why she should get a job like mine, to make less in 8 hours than she makes in 1 doing what she does?yeah the fook do you live with yourself. I mean really. :confused:
I sometimes think about what these women do and with whom and it just turns my stomach each and every time.:spew:

I know a lot of girls do it for the wrong reason, think it's all they're worth, whatever, but there are some women out there that just made the choice and are doing what they want to get the money they want to live the life they want. :evil:yeah maybe. :confused:

And that's beside the point, everyone's responsible for their own actions, makes their own choices. I don't feel bad for people who choose to be victims.
This is exactly the point. For those women who say that they have been abused their entire life and this is just what they are used to, I find to be a lame excuse.
There is ALWATS better out there. It just takes courage and effort to pursue in the RIGHT direction. :peace:

That's only because the women's bathroom is always way more busy than a men's room. This is a FACT. Do you know how many times I've been out at a club, or somewhere public, and I've used the men's bathroom just to avoid the line for the women's?
Yeah!!!!! good point wikid chick. :hump: YEAH!! this is so true.
I don't use the guys tho:shock:;)
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