Top 3 Most Punchable


Well-Known Member
Tom should make a movie about a guy who becomes a super star but has to hide his sexuality because of the social environment and then collapses under the weight of the decption despite all the money he has: 'jack reached too far'
He would never do the part. He tries so very hard to distance himself from anything remotely gay even though everyone and their brother knows he likes the D. he'd get way more respect just coming out of the closet. It boggles my mind that he wouldn't sleep with Nicole Kidman. Shit, even I'd sleep with her.


Well-Known Member
i tried to punch a guy in the face once. he moved. my fist hit concrete. i decided to stop punching people in the face. now i just use a stun gun and a bullwhip.
We're talking about decapitation now too. Whose head would you chop off and piss on?


Well-Known Member
Are there lots of people that are punchable in Mexico? I haven't been...
Juarez to be specific there are many punchable ass holes. There was a guy begging on the street and he had a bandage on his foot all his toes had been cut off and were exposed to the air his foot was all swollen and still oozing, some ass hole walked buy and kicked that nasty foot while I was staring at it..Since I was a swinging dick i punched that guy in the back of the head already so hes out but the next three people I see probably have it coming.


Well-Known Member
top three decapitations: rupert murdoch (broadcast that one LIVE), nancy reagan (she'd say "no" but we'd do it anyways), michael jackson (mercy killing; wait he's dead already), putin (humanitarian act)