The all time newbie question!


Well-Known Member
What is my yield going to be?

So my setup is:

1kMH for veg 1khps for flower
Room size 7x5x7
Strain are blue widow and hash
6.5 gal pots
soil happy frog
fox farm trio

They are about 2 weeks into flower and all are around 3ft tall. I have 7 plants total my newbie question is how much do u think i can expect to yield from this set up? This is my first grow! Thanks! here is a pic



Well-Known Member
Yield depends on more then setup im not personally familiar with those strains but it sounds like your doing a sog with what 7 plants ?


Well-Known Member
Should be better with miracle grow... Done that fox farm shit, and went back to MG... Just does better for me i guess?

I would hope 5+ oz... depends on veg time, strain, and conditions more than a general stand point. Never got less than 4.5 oz (shitttttt) with a 1kw. last one was 6+ but i had issues...


Well-Known Member
Should be better with miracle grow... Done that fox farm shit, and went back to MG... Just does better for me i guess?

I would hope 5+ oz... depends on veg time, strain, and conditions more than a general stand point. Never got less than 4.5 oz (shitttttt) with a 1kw. last one was 6+ but i had issues...

MG really? lol I let them veg for a little over a month


Well-Known Member
So still a newb myself but they look pretty healthy and I would say at least ounce an a half per plant at most .... Well shit who knows lol most plant strains state a capability of 500g/m^2 i know this is probably no help but yea lol that's why this question doesn't get many replies ...... Side note once your colas start packing in you will be able to get a true estimate


Well-Known Member
So still a newb myself but they look pretty healthy and I would say at least ounce an a half per plant at most .... Well shit who knows lol most plant strains state a capability of 500g/m^2 i know this is probably no help but yea lol that's why this question doesn't get many replies ...... Side note once your colas start packing in you will be able to get a true estimate

Thanks! Im hoping for at least an oz a plant i would be happy with that


Well-Known Member
I generally veg for about the same as u and I'll pull about 1.5 zips per plant. Some TGA gear yields lower but makes up for it in quality.


Well-Known Member
If you get a gram per watt you're killing it. If you get a half gram per watt you're doing better than most. I bet you get close to a lb of nice bud..... assuming you don't fuck shit up. :-)


Well-Known Member
If you get a gram per watt you're killing it. If you get a half gram per watt you're doing better than most. I bet you get close to a lb of nice bud..... assuming you don't fuck shit up. :-)
A gram per watt? so 1000 grams? That would be crazy! I would be very happy with close to LB but ill just plan on a few zips so i do not get my hopes up lol