
marie e

Pictures of the latest blue's that have to be harvested 1 week early i like to leave
this strain for full 9 week but for reason's im sure ya will understand its had to come down
a few days early but shit happens in this game.

Auto pot set up,6 pot system
canna a/b
big bud from advanced
pk 13/14 canna

Total dry weight 6 plants scrog,52 oz crispy dry
week 1 - canna a/b rhizatonic 1.1 ec
week 2 - canna a/b 1.2 ec
week 3 - canna a/b 1.3 ec
week 4 - canna a/b rhizatonic 1.4 ec

------------------ EC
week 1 - canna a/b 1.4
week 2 - canna a/b- big bud from advanced 2 ml per ltr 1.5
week 3 - canna a/b rhizatonic 1.5 week 4 - canna a/b 1.6
week 5 - canna a/b and pk 13/14 rec dose 1.7
week 6 - canna a/b 1.7
week 7 - canna a/b 1.7
week 8 - canna a/b 1.8
week 9 - water --------



Well-Known Member
Indeed. What lights are you using?

I love BB. I used to have an orig DJ Short cut, before he lost the cut and had to re-do the entire line. I've heard by many that the new BB he's created is nowhere near the same as before. Sad.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
6 plants indoors ...52 oz....?!?!
i've grown bb a few times, dutch passion and d.j. mostly d.p. you say you harvested a week early cause why??? those pics look a lot earlier than a week, wha happen? i'm a huge bb fan!!! i've almost always had probs. early on, and later the plants get better. (twisted leaves, finicky eaters.) don't mean to sound like a richard, but your yield sounds kind of low, especially considering you scrogged. you have any problems?