

Well-Known Member
Beautiful pooch Glad! My buddy has a Corso that looks just like him. Great dog. He drools like a mofo though every time he catches a wiff of food. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah..just looked at first page of thread, hes done growing up...but will fill out for another 14 months or si...he looks real sharp..thanx 4 posting.


Well-Known Member
I don't like to have a big male neutered, since the hormones keep them growing and filling out all the way through year 3. Just as Corso said. They get that bigger blocky head. They look more masculine and threatening.


Well-Known Member
Nice doggy. I have a 9 month old Mastiff, pit pup that looks like him only brindle. How much does he weight? if you don't mind me asking. :)


Well-Known Member
He ran up to the females bowl to eat, while she was eating.
She bit his face. That picture kinda sucks, but the vet had to shave
his face to clean and glue the scar. She punctured his nostril and some
other random parts. He's on meds now.
He is belle's bro's new pup from Iron Mountain. German Shepard/Lab. Cooper.

After hour vet visit too. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Chicago .

gorgeous dog. rottie? never seen a full black one before.

can't wait to get a dog again. had to give away my aussie cattle dog back in the fall. that was brutal. never again. loved that dog. he was awesome. my super got outta line and he tried to pin him to the wall. tough as nails , great with kids, other dogs. Actually, he was the most special animal i've ever met. it was like losing a kid. and he knew. he fucking knew. when i dropped him off he looked at me like 'no. really?' i almost couldn't do it. my foot was fucked and my car was undriveable. could not walk him and didn't feel like robbing a bank.
sorry. i've only told one person this. i hope i didn't bum you guys out. just thought you guys would get it. I normally avoid the whole subject. thought about going back to get him but he's with a family now and that would be just wrong. anyways, soon i will have another one. the bond between us and them cannot be described. I've never been as in tune with anyone as my animals.



Well-Known Member
Lol @ goin back to get em...u can't do that!

Go to the shelter n rescue a dog...let the other one go.