Club 600


Well-Known Member
Glad things are feeling better. Here's for a full recovery soon. Our little one is learning to stand up holding onto things. She's amazed by herself and doesn't want to sleep... just practice standing. Still hasn't figured out crawling yet, I think she just might skip it and go strait to walking. She's getting so big.. :)
Get the running shoes ready! Great feeling watching them make these little accomplishments.


Well-Known Member
I just got home from having a tooth extracted. All numbed up and nowhere to go, lol.

The directions say not to smoke or use a straw after ward. I'm wondering if I can still use my vape with a balloon. there's practically zero resistance on the draw with the balloon.


Well-Known Member
I've hardly got any work or anything else to do today so it will be a shame if I can't partake in my weed. Was hoping to get weeded pretty much all day long today.


Well-Known Member
Get on it Dez! lol......I had a smoke last night, woohoo, and a bongo today of some bubble after I potted up. And it's a thermometer:)

Jig, I bet the Yin just goes straight to walking for sure. She's sounds like she is going to. I never crawled and was walking around at 9 months. My Mum reckoned it was to do with me not wearing nappies very much, at that point we were living in the jungle of Borneo/Brunei so nappies seemed futile she said. If they needed to find me they'd just follow the piles of poo, :) Wee yin had some bread today, and his tooth(singular) smile is cracking us up.

Cheers Jimmer, we are getting there for sure now.


Well-Known Member
OH, and the number thing is my paranoia kicking in. I have been reading a few articles and stories about people who have been busted in NL. The Mayor of the area you are busted in can effectively have your home "closed". Which means you have to bloody move out. This can be done for several months. It's parallelling the fact that if you were say selling drugs from your home, it is bringing criminality into your area and for some FUKKED UP reason they class having a "Hennepkwekerij" in the same category as's mind boggling really. Anyway, touch wood, shit is gonna change soon. Lots of the recent local elections have brought in more weed friendly parties. There's a real push to allow the backend of the weed business to be legitimised so that both growers and coffeeshop owners can live without the prospect of being in jail. A coffeeshop owner can loose his license and go to jail when they are scoring product for their shop for example if busted doing a deal. Quite crazy really.


Well-Known Member
I just got home from having a tooth extracted. All numbed up and nowhere to go, lol.

The directions say not to smoke or use a straw after ward. I'm wondering if I can still use my vape with a balloon. there's practically zero resistance on the draw with the balloon.
I smoked a cigarette as I walked to the car from getting wisdom teeth pulled! Just make a conscience effort to not drag hard, and a bag, bong or joint really wouldn't be shit compared to a cig tightness.


Well-Known Member
I smoked a cigarette as I walked to the car from getting wisdom teeth pulled! Just make a conscience effort to not drag hard, and a bag, bong or joint really wouldn't be shit compared to a cig tightness.
That's what I was thinking. Not much resistance might be ok and the balloon flows really easy


Well-Known Member
Seizure the day, fell and hit my face off the bench on my cheek and hit above my eye on other side of face, also knee all swollan aswell, lucky my mate was here he rang paramedics cos he shit himself never seen out like I just came round on settee half hour later


Well-Known Member
Seizure the day, fell and hit my face off the bench on my cheek and hit above my eye on other side of face, also knee all swollan aswell, lucky my mate was here he rang paramedics cos he shit himself never seen out like I just came round on settee half hour later
Not good, I hope your ok


Well-Known Member
Seizure the day, fell and hit my face off the bench on my cheek and hit above my eye on other side of face, also knee all swollan aswell, lucky my mate was here he rang paramedics cos he shit himself never seen out like I just came round on settee half hour later
damn that sucks hope you are alright. i bet your mate did shit. thet is some crazy shit to see the first time.


Well-Known Member
Ii he says he shit him self like had to tell then to come back way as he didn't no where to turn the power out on little grow haha, all sore and aching now the muscle a I don't no


Well-Known Member
If it's with doing a bit work in house laying flooring and moving bed and the about and the heat had drained my water levels