Official UCSB email to students about the wacky feminist professor


Well-Known Member
No, slavery was, not evil, but bad. I'm glad it ended.

Some slave owners did evil things, but the possibility, and i think the majority, of slavery as practiced was done without malice. Evil requires malice, and you can practice slavery without that.

Anyway, that is irrelevant, one day a slave was a valuable piece of property, some people write something on a piece of paper, and then it is illegal and you just lost a lot of valuable property as a slave owner, did not get compensated,

It isn't logic, it is law. Slave owners broke no law prior to 1865.
So add morals and ethics to the list of things BigNBushy doesn't understand


Well-Known Member
Just because one wrong is more wrong does not make the other wrong not wrong.

Imagine a farm, it's implements, and slaves being in your family for generations. Then all of a sudden the means by which you maintain and produce your livelihood goes away? No, it is taken from you by force and without compensation. That is a pretty devastating turn of events. It quite literally made paupers out of aristocrats, and middle class small farm owners.
actually you are wrong again, during that period, what farmers/plantation owners were realizing was that slave labor is often more expensive and economically not worth it. There are many reasons involved here, such as having a low quality work, bearing full cost of health/medical/food/housing, etc... A lot of plantation owners had already transitioned to hired workers with much better work productivity/quality even before the laws banned slavery. Compare your average Walmart employee with a Costco employee and you will see the point I am trying to make.

So your scenario is not accurate at all, some plantation owners may have failed, but it would be due to stubbornness and failure to adapt, which wouldn't surprise me for someone who would want to use slaves in the first place.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I would be more concerned about corporate fascism. This race issue seems like a red-herring to me.
Just a thought.
exactly what form of fascism is NOT corporate?

also the civil rights revolution in the 60's had ZERO to do with europe.

"europe" couldnt embargo shit before the EU, and still cant.

before the EU "europe" was just a peninsula full of failing marxist economies all tugging at each other like crabs in a bucket, now, with the EU, they are still failing marxist economies, and still spend most of their energy trying to gain leverage over each other and achieve dominance.

i know you would like to believe the EU is the next great superpower, but china is already sitting on your backs and making you eat dog turds in the playground.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
those poor, persecuted white hetero christian males.

we all know how tough it is to be a white hetero christian male in america nowadays, you just opened my eyes to the historical struggle of white hetero christian males in this country.
Why do you hate white folk some much?

I'm watching the news and movies and I see a lot of positive white people.
Well, other than the local news.
All the criminals are black or hispanic.


Well-Known Member
exactly what form of fascism is NOT corporate?

also the civil rights revolution in the 60's had ZERO to do with europe.

"europe" couldnt embargo shit before the EU, and still cant.

before the EU "europe" was just a peninsula full of failing marxist economies all tugging at each other like crabs in a bucket, now, with the EU, they are still failing marxist economies, and still spend most of their energy trying to gain leverage over each other and achieve dominance.

i know you would like to believe the EU is the next great superpower, but china is already sitting on your backs and making you eat dog turds in the playground.
Europeans were very shocked to find out about the South. Grass roots embargoes occur all the time. South Africa was embargoed. Israel is embargoed. often there is no gov't involved just a 'conscience' embargo.

I never said europe was the next superpower. china is on everyone's back but is a bogey man just like the japanese in the 80's.

Pretty rude dr kynes. You don't read very closely for a 'phd'. enjoy your turds

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
repeat that to yourself. see how it sounds.
I ask that question to myself when I see your posts.
Other liberal posters as well.
You guys always bitch about equality though never taking consideration of anyone who disagrees with you.

It's always "blah blah blah, my way or the highway".


Well-Known Member
You guys always bitch about equality though never taking consideration of anyone who disagrees with you.
please tell me what inequality you are suffering then. i was unaware that you wer struggling with the inequalities of being a white hetero christian male in america.


Well-Known Member
Oh for fucks sake.

That time of the month is it?
i'm genuinely curious. you intimated that i do not take into consideration people like you who i disagree with when bitching about equality.

so what inequality are you facing in america as a white hetero christian male?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
i'm genuinely curious. you intimated that i do not take into consideration people like you who i disagree with when bitching about equality.

so what inequality are you facing in america as a white hetero christian male?
Mostly pissing away my taxes to people who don't deserve anymore handouts.

Welfare people live better than 'the working man' as liberals cite it.

I find it interesting the old school liberals (like your new ava) were all against the govt.
Now, they are all for big govt.

Make the USA like China.

Everyone equal under the great leader.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
funny, the founders were white men of privilege, many of whom raped and beat their black slaves, who they considered to be mere property.

or, as desert dude would say, "simple, better times".
Maybe you didn't get the memo? But the founding fathers have been dead for about 200 years now.

We pay for the original sin? :dunce: You're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
actually you are wrong again, during that period, what farmers/plantation owners were realizing was that slave labor is often more expensive and economically not worth it. There are many reasons involved here, such as having a low quality work, bearing full cost of health/medical/food/housing, etc... A lot of plantation owners had already transitioned to hired workers with much better work productivity/quality even before the laws banned slavery. Compare your average Walmart employee with a Costco employee and you will see the point I am trying to make.

So your scenario is not accurate at all, some plantation owners may have failed, but it would be due to stubbornness and failure to adapt, which wouldn't surprise me for someone who would want to use slaves in the first place.
Some farmers in some areas were coming around.

Others in other areas would have gladly continued using slaves.

Are you saying a black farmer I is inferior to a white farmer?

Anyway, that is besides the point. I know a guy who had a strong business but he had about 5 million tied up with Madhof. When he lost that 5 million, it was completely insulated from his business. It went bust anyway because having so much wealth one day, and losing it the next wasn't good for his psyche I suppose.

Same with a large planter who over night lost a significant chunk of his wealth. They weren't in position, because of the war, to make a major turn around and start using cheap wage labor.

Infrastructure for such was already in place. If you owned 500 slaves, you had to employ a dozen or more free whites to manage the labor. Unless your family was super large.

No economic theory can remove the fact that the federal government confiscated a vast amount of legal property without compensation.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What does that even mean?
Mexicans get smuggled into America by what are called coyotes by groups like La Raza (sponsored by corporations such as Mc Donalds and Walmart) and packed like sardines over the border, much like black people were on boats from Africa.

Buck thinks this done to black people was horrific, yet he fully endorses brown (Mexicans) people treated in this fashion.

Once here Mexicans are then forced to live in communal living conditions so they can send money back to their families. Pretty much they're slaves, so corporations can have cheap labor.

Buck is all for illegal immigration, I'm not. I think slavery is bad.


Well-Known Member
Mexicans get smuggled into America by what are called coyotes by groups like La Raza (sponsored by corporations such as Mc Donalds and Walmart) and packed like sardines over the border, much like black people were on boats from Africa.

Buck thinks this done to black people was horrific, yet he fully endorses brown (Mexicans) people treated in this fashion.

Once here Mexicans are then forced to live in communal living conditions so they can send money back to their families. Pretty much they're slaves, so corporations can have cheap labor.

Buck is all for illegal immigration, I'm not. I think slavery is bad.
What do illegals have to do with 'white enslavement' (one of your earlier posts)?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What do illegals have to do with 'white enslavement' (one of your earlier posts)?
Well off corporate folks are all 100% white according to Buck. They enslave the brown folk, they new black slaves. Pretty much we have a new indentured servant who other liberals can rally behind, and make our slaves.


Well-Known Member
Mostly pissing away my taxes to people who don't deserve anymore handouts.

Welfare people live better than 'the working man' as liberals cite it.

I find it interesting the old school liberals (like your new ava) were all against the govt.
Now, they are all for big govt.

Make the USA like China.

Everyone equal under the great leader.
so only white hetero christian males pay taxes? and white hetero christian males never get welfare?

you sure about that, boots&pants?