New Member

This is the opnly thing I can agree with here.I don't mean to sound like a dickhead, but dosen't everyone know you can get paranoid when you are high?NO you don't always. Thats rediculous.
There has been a few of these posts as of late and it amazes me, because most of the people seem to be long term smokers.
I will state what everyone else has already said, but don't smoke when you are stressed! Pot isn't going to fix things,No its not but if you are using it as a medicine for panic attacks and anxiety then how does this statement hold true. You are comparing booze to weed.
Come on dude. Yes i agree that it can be abused BUT I do not agree that it necessarily makes the situation worse. I don't know where I would be wihtout my weed.'s like alcohol it either makes a bad situation worse or a good situation better, it enhances your moods.TOTALLY TOTALLY disagree. AGAIN it depends on what type of strain you are smokling.
You are being ignorant in that you as classifying all weed as the same.All weed does not have the same effects ...and varies even amongst individuals. What may be great for one may be horrble for another.
Get in the right frame of mind without drugs first, then smoke. As good as pot is, it's not some wonder drug that cures everything.
Well sure. I'll just cram in 8 years worth of therapy, chill out and THEN I can toke???Give me a friggin break dude.
Anyway, I hope you find your happy place soon and start enjoying happy highs once againGL
Yes happy toking to all
and to all
a good stone.