Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

I have 2 for whoever has the GF nicknamed SSDD....For any others asking lemme see what i can do. Was just about to get out the razor and clonex anyhow. :)
ayye thats my girl! lol so ironic you actually have that strain, i was ordering up a 10 pack from a seed bank with the worst reviews ever just to hope they would arrive! thanks a whole lot my man, ill make sure i have something to trade too.

for everyone else i will bring you guys each a cut or two ! if anyone wants read back a little i posted the strains i have shoot me a pm!
Updated food list:
Adower – Carne Asada
Mofoo – Tri Tip
Fumble – Asparagus Salad, + other goodies
JJ – Chicken + forks, plates, spoons, BBQ grill, charcoal
420Tycoon – Chicken adobo
Brek – Lumpia
ABM - Ceviche (possibly)
TMB - Side dishes

Looks like we just need some drinks and we will be good to go!
I'll bring a few cases of soda and juices... Byob... I'm on the wagon came be acting like a rockstar anymore. No sip for me.
Only 1 week.......Happy 420!!!
We'll remember this night when were old & grey.....in the future these will be the 'Good ol days'..................................................................................
Looks like more people want the SSDD? The moms were reallllly bushy. I'll take a few more today. They may not be fully rooted but as long as you take care of them a few days longer they will be good to go. :)

Happy 420! Time to toke a bowl of east coast sour cookies. :)
Happy 420 washing the cars and te to go for a cruise couldn't make pozo cause I have family obligations but last year was fun!!!