Scottish independence?


Oh there is just so much potential for pissing off Westminster. There are so many small things they could change, that i think would potentially lead to a huge influx of immigration and investment. Be it small things like MP's expenses (i'd certanily consider moving to Scotland if i knew that it was being run by actual human beings who live as we do) to large things like using oil and gas to help the people live a better life, not put some more money in the pocket of various foreign corporate bank accounts.

Fuck the UK, it blows fucking donkey balls.

From what I here from friends in the UK, the UK will be overrun with Muslims in a decade anyway. Seems they are getting everything they want from the powers to be.
What has England done for Scotland over the past 100+ years besides get them involved in two world wars and tax the shyte out of them?
I'm getting a different vibe on this issue than here (Canada and the whole Quebec thing). Sounds like you guys may do your own thing after all. Time will tell.
From what I here from friends in the UK, the UK will be overrun with Muslims in a decade anyway. Seems they are getting everything they want from the powers to be.

The country is getting to the point of revolt. I seriously doubt things would go unchanged for another decade. There is already a serious affordable rent/housing shortage, things won't be able to go on like this much longer.
There's a country in europe, or the baltic region, which does the same, and it seems to be a wildly successful policy. In the UK though, the citizens come last, so that would hardly ever happen here :D
Norway has enough cash from their oil that they could give $1mill to every single one of their citizens and still have money left over...

Ser merch mer-nay....
What possible benefit could that be to them?.

Welcome to 2017 and Hadrian's Wall has become the new border between england and scotland, dole checks are running hot from the EU to edinburgh, Nato helicopters now patrol Hadrian's Wall, 12 foot security fence is topped with razor wire and CCTV cameras, many thought scotland could live on the North Sea oil, that dried up 3 years ago, but none new that, norwegian gas is propping up england's heating bill.
england is last free of the great scam the EU has become, and is saving millions from it, europes largest refugee camps in glasgow and edinburgh have had food riots for the last 4 weeks, the fumbling scots .govt is trying to make the bread, but can't keep up with the demand.

From what I here from friends in the UK, the UK will be overrun with Muslims in a decade anyway. Seems they are getting everything they want from the powers to be.

"anchor babies", "urban welfare rats", and "overrun with muslims".

but i bet you're totally not racist.
What sense does that make rob? So you say they need no governing body?

A scottish government will hold the best interest of its people . The brittish goverment exploits their resources and doesn't compensate them appropriatly. The brittish laws and taxes have stymied business without any growth in years.

Perfect sense, that is if you are logical and consistent. Freedom is never achieved by going from coercive government to another coercive government, even if the new destination is a lesser tyrant. If you believe that it is, please provide an example of how this magic happens.
Norway has enough cash from their oil that they could give $1mill to every single one of their citizens and still have money left over...

Ser merch mer-nay....

Interesting. Of course that might cause a rise in prices in Norway.
Where is the example magic land with out a goverment you speak of rob? You start and I'll finish.

Wherever free and peaceful people gather.

Is this next part where you tell me that because tyranny has always existed it must continue to do so? Hmmm...burn any witches lately? Careful, don't fall off the edge of the earth.

You'll never get that thing off the ground Orville. Your turn.
Wherever free and peaceful people gather.

Is this next part where you tell me that because tyranny has always existed it must continue to do so? Hmmm...burn any witches lately? Careful, don't fall off the edge of the earth.

You'll never get that thing off the ground Orville. Your turn.

he just wanted to know where your imagined utopia exists. seems like you don';t have an answer.

no one who knows you is surprised.
he just wanted to know where your imagined utopia exists. seems like you don';t have an answer.

no one who knows you is surprised.

Good point. As long as there are people like you that want to run others lives for them it will be difficult to build a free society.

As far as an "imagined Utopia", please explain how the use of force via a coercive government has created peace. This should be very enlightening.

P.S. - what no false allegations of racism? You're slipping.
As long as there are people like you that want to run others lives for them it will be difficult to build a free society.

as long as there are people like you who support the practice of denying services to others based on the color of their skin, there will be a need for a "coercive government" to step in and stop you from causing harm to others.

you are the reason why your imagined utopia can not exist.
Interesting. Of course that might cause a rise in prices in Norway.

I believe that was exactly the point. They created a hue fund, and instead of just paying out some lump sums, the figures are debatable, they created it to "guarantee" that from now till whenever, everyone would have access to affordable fuel and electricity. As opposed to everyone blowing their million on a fancy house and then complaining that they couldn't afford to heat it.
as long as there are people like you who support the practice of denying services to others based on the color of their skin, there will be a need for a "coercive government" to step in and stop you from causing harm to others.

you are the reason why your imagined utopia can not exist.

You still don't distinguish indifference from an actionable harm. Nor do you ever address that.
Maybe you've been sniffing glue?
Wherever free and peaceful people gather.

Is this next part where you tell me that because tyranny has always existed it must continue to do so? Hmmm...burn any witches lately? Careful, don't fall off the edge of the earth.

You'll never get that thing off the ground Orville. Your turn.

None of your idealisms are a sound basis for any countries independence. But, instead a recipe for being taken over. This isn't la la land. People rape, murder and steal for fun. People rage wars and genocide for crap that comes from the ground, territory, and rights. 5 million women and children in rawanda are dead because there is no effective goverment. So I say to you, those are the realities we deal with. No tyrants.

Where as a goverment body, whom over see's its own land and resources can then be the best stewards and protectors of it's people .
Its great you know that witches and magic are not real. And that limited belief systems are detrmental.
Now go study political science and get back to us.