Swagelok 304l ss vessel

You can search for the patent yourself.

Whether it is my patent, or others, you may not want to outright admit that "since my methodology was revolving around previous patents, which is public information as to have the bar raised." you are taking ideas from patents and then selling machines that use that information.

Spend more time on actual research and experiments and less on the forums mucking them up. Byebye
Negative, you haven't got a clue of what I do or don't do differently and how much of it is actually copied is pretty minimal. Don't use pumps, don't collect in sealed vessels, keep my tanks cool and fill at 2,500 psi after transfer of co2, idk if we use the same PLC, but these guys have had their patent expire. @003 was a long fuckin time ago. The shit I did was use NOT copied, but that was what I wanted to do. I had a friend tell me to wait for the pumps, but I was impatient and had these theories that when applied, did just what I thought it would. Really impressed my mentor who answered questions and set me strait w known facts. Thats how I got sponsored and gifted such things. Other than some fittings and valves, most everything I own was donated for the cause. Almost everything Iso2, VWR Vacuum Oven, all high pressure vessels, plc, and automated valves was given on the strength and passion I exhibited. I will let you do your homework, then sue me for infringements on the US Patent Office, roflmao. Or better yet, for your methods I infringed upon! LOL.
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I do believe this is my thread I started, why don't you create some lame lavender thread, since Texas got you scared to bust down a real extraction. A pound for that vessel is way wasteful. What was your yield only using CO2? What pressures and temperatures did you feel were appropriate and why?
how did I make him scared?
I didn't even reply to this thread lol

i think you are getting confused as to which thread you are referring to since they are all the same
Negative, you haven't got a clue of what I do or don't do differently and how much of it is actually copied is pretty minimal. Don't use pumps, don't collect in sealed vessels, keep my tanks cool and fill at 2,500 psi after transfer of co2, idk if we use the same PLC, but these guys have had their patent expire. @003 was a long fuckin time ago. The shit I did was use NOT copied, but that was what I wanted to do. I had a friend tell me to wait for the pumps, but I was impatient and had these theories that when applied, did just what I thought it would. Really impressed my mentor who answered questions and set me strait w known facts. Thats how I got sponsored and gifted such things. Other than some fittings and valves, most everything I own was donated for the cause. Almost everything Iso2, VWR Vacuum Oven, all high pressure vessels, plc, and automated valves was given on the strength and passion I exhibited. I will let you do your homework, then sue me for infringements on the US Patent Office, roflmao. Or better yet, for your methods I infringed upon! LOL.

Take the challenge, no more talking.
He called me and gave the address for an argan oil store in Agua Dulce saying that this is where he does his work and they would be ok with a competition there.

Obviously I am not going to fly to California without double checking.

So I called the store and left a message asking them to vouch that he works there and to see if they would not mind hosting a competition.

I will keep you all posted.
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So you know how serious I am.

Patent efs: 17310667
Patent application number: 61899731

Please stop all sales of your co2 extractors and delete all posts relating to their sale. The next legal step is a cease and desist letter.
Doesn't a patent need to be granted vs pending to be able to be defended in court? And isn't the legal cost far greater than any imagined losses?
Doesn't a patent need to be granted vs pending to be able to be defended in court? And isn't the legal cost far greater than any imagined losses?

No, not at all. As long as my filing date is prior to any other competitors attempt to file. And actually I need less than that to attempt a lawsuit. My provisional patent has been accepted at any rate.

Absolutely, I will LOSE money going forward with this but I am not expecting any monetary gain. The whole point is to get this guy to stop infringing, as well as to stop putting out dangerous misinformation.

These forums are obviously a joke as well. I have messaged the moderators the same thing. As soon as I have the time I will spend the money for a legal representative.

The argan oil owner unfortunately does not want to host anything...I guess he doesn't believe in you Rudy.

Please, by all means keep infringing even though yesterday you tried to give me your word as a man you would pull the posts down.

The next post that will be on here under my name is a copy of whatever action I take against you, regardless of the length of time it takes.

Also to the moderators at rollitup.org, you are responsible for allowing this to continue.
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the moderators here are a joke is right. they sit on a computer all day leaching welfare from the system, their only accomplishment in life is becoming an "admin" of a weed site. to call them professional, intelligent and capable of making a smart decision would be a blatant lie. keep chewing this idiot up jyndustriez
We will hook-up for tea when you arrive in the area for sure. I do look forward to seeing you, and if you like my product line and its varieties to choose from, I will send you w some for your friends to try or expose me as a fraud!