How to become a MMJ Grower for Florida

So besides the time wait, supplies, space, and skills needed to be a medical marijuana grower, what legal processes must I under go to be one of the first MMJ growers for Florida ? :)
Check with the Mmj division if your state. If its anytjing like Colorado youre gonna need 100 page permits, 100 page licenses you need to fill out, equipment, genetics, warehouses where the landlord doesnt care, a lawyer, trustworthy people working for you and lastly a crap load of money like in the 1/4 mil range... And also be prepared for your state changing the rules all the time because some jerk doesnt like something , or frankly, for their amusement, including telling you that your op is now illegal because we just zoned you as near a school or what not.. .not that it going to happen but be prepared for shit like that
Check with the Mmj division if your state. If its anytjing like Colorado youre gonna need 100 page permits, 100 page licenses you need to fill out, equipment, genetics, warehouses where the landlord doesnt care, a lawyer, trustworthy people working for you and lastly a crap load of money like in the 1/4 mil range... And also be prepared for your state changing the rules all the time because some jerk doesnt like something , or frankly, for their amusement, including telling you that your op is now illegal because we just zoned you as near a school or what not.. .not that it going to happen but be prepared for shit like that

Damn really 250,000$ ? I have a warehouse, I have money for equipment, and a few investors that are also trying to get in on this with me. How much did the licenses / permits cost in other states ? Thats all im really worried about. Im pretty legal savvy and I have no problem filling out 100+ Pages :) Thanks for the insight
We won't know until the legislation goes through and the state comes up with the guidelines they will adopt. I believe they are going to have 6 months from the time the bill passes to set forth regulation guidelines and 9 months to begin issuing licenses to businesses and personal growers. Until we know more about what the laws are going to be its hard to do anything but plan your basic logistics. For all you know the warehouse you have will be in a zone that is not authorized to grow. And the 250,000 number is honestly a low estimate. A large scale facility built properly can easily cost over a million dollars to set up.
In time we will overgrow the nation. I remember preaching that fifteen years ago on og. We are going to win.

Federal policy is already becoming a puppet.

"Were going to takeover the world!" Pinky & the Brain
I'm seeing more messages and postings (not just here on the MMJ forums but other mainstream places) about getting in on the market at the first possible time. Most of these posts do not seem to actually know what the ballot initiative or the current legislature bills entail. Just for ha-ha's I responded to a craigslist posting looking for investors to startup in Nov. This guy wanted 3 investors at $25K each to start a dispensary and grow op beginning in Nov. Just amazing, no business plan at all, no lawyer in place or contacted, no clue as to what the bills or ballot might allow and what the time frames would be after passage. He just thought he'd open a store front, throw some seeds in the ground and all is good. I talked with a couple at a volunteer meeting and they are taking a class in how to grow. I asked them why when all of the bills and the ballot initiative do not allow personal grows, $500 down the tubes. The carpet baggers are starting to flood the state and pray on those wanting to get in on the boom without really knowing what will be approved and when. As a previous poster put it - Patience. Those who really want in on the action are keeping quiet, doing their homework and know most of what will be put into place and when.
Florida 2014 Nov. 4th Vote YES on 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally i think there will be more votes than ever this year. (for a off presidential election year) I only voted once on an off year. I have a feeling it will be a landslide. knocks on wood*
There are 4 bills in FL at the moment. 2 of which are recreational useage (companion bills in the House and Senate), 1 just defining the term "cannabis". Companion bills in House and Senate for medical and a High CBD bill. The High CBD bill is an end around bill to appease the United for Care people and the bill does not provide for the majority of those who would benefit. Amendment 2 is the United for Care petition that will be on the ballot in Nov. It is a non grow amendment but gets the ball rolling for medical in the State, and keeps the political dick skinners out of the conversation for now.
Thats weird. I was just looking over the bill. It says nothing about how much you can grow all it state's is "the appropriate amount" It does not say if a patient can or cannot grow. A caregiver can provide for up to 5 patients. again does not state how much the care giver can grow. they leave it at the appropriate amount. This will be interesting.
From all the Florida related MMJ articles that I've read, ….IF , it passes , no approved MMJ registrant can legally grow their own. What pisses me off about this is that it gives the MMJ dispensaries all the more incentive to boost their prices more than they otherwise would be IF MMJ registrants were allowed to grow their own.

It makes me think about all the low income people that have legitimate medical needs, but lack the money to afford what the dispensaries will be charging, when they could be growing a set number of plants like most Western MMJ states allow.

Though, the bright side is, Florida's MMJ bill, if it passes, will be better than what Alabama will have and their bullshit CBD oil ONLY bill. Georgia, which is my home birth state, those inconsiderate asshole legislators wouldn't even agree to pass a similar bill legalizing CBD oil and it was for children only and the kids had to suffer from seizures to be illegible.

Robert and Cathy Jordan had petitioned for a Florida MMJ bill and spoke before legislators, their house was raided for plants and the DA dropped the charges. Cathy suffers from ALS and has stacks of medical records going back 20 + yrs. My guess is between that and her previous media attention in being an advocate for Florida MMJ and speaking to legislators is what made the DA drop the charges. They're still fighting for legal rights to home grow and my guess is that they still are home growing.

South Florida has A LOT of pill mill clinics that do so much business that people drive down from as far away as Kentucky to legally get prescriptions for Oxycontin, then drive back up to Kentucky and sell them to addicts.

I hope that if this Florida MMJ bill passes and it will need 60% of the vote to pass, that people there will doggedly fight for the right to grow their own MMJ siting affordability issues for low income. I think if this bill does pass, there will be many who get approved for MMJ and grow their own anyway.Florida has around 20 million people. With that many people, and if this bill passes , there's definitely going to be home growers getting MMJ approved and growing their own.
You will be able to grow. You will have to get a medical card and a caregiver license. If for some crazy reason they say a mm patient cannot be a caregiver then just grow for friends that have a card. The bill says a caregiver cannot use the patients medicine but, i would like to see them try to regulate that. :D
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i really hope they pass it, i personally will not take phycotropic medications, and know that herb is my only cure for the insanity that revolves around me. trust me if it was not for mary j. i would sit up on a roof top blowin wigs off with my 50mm.....
Thats weird. I was just looking over the bill. It says nothing about how much you can grow all it state's is "the appropriate amount" It does not say if a patient can or cannot grow. A caregiver can provide for up to 5 patients. again does not state how much the care giver can grow. they leave it at the appropriate amount. This will be interesting.

Yes I reread the petition wording. You are correct it mentions nothing about growing. Most definitely will be interesting.
Did you guys notice your Charlottes web bill passed yesrerday?

That's awesome. I knew it was going to happen. That's great it happened so fast. Would be nice if someone could become a caregiver now. I will have to check on this for sure.
You made it sound like there was more than one Florida in a previous post. "witch Florida are you talking about?" I though maybe there was another place called "Florida", like there's more than one Georgia.