Rasmussen: Americans Disillusioned By Both Political Parties

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
The Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress have a tough enough time as it is trying to find common ground with one another, but a new poll reveals that a majority of Americans can’t say they truly identify with either political party.


Source: RT

Fifty-three percent of likely United States voters told pollsters at Rasmussen recently that they believe neither of the two mainstream parties represents the American public, the research company reported this week.

According to the results of the Rasmussen poll released on Thursday, just over half of the people quizzed “think it is fair to say that neither party in Congress is the party of the American people.”

That statistic, the pollsters added, demonstrates an increase of six points during the same number of months, since only 47 percent of Americans said they agreed when Rasmussen last asked the question in October.

And just last week, a separate poll conducted by Rasmussen indicated that Congress has earned its lowest performance rating in months. That same report also revealed that only seven percent of voters believe the average congressman listens to their constituents — the lowest level of confidence to date, Rasmussen reported.

Earlier this year, competing pollsters Gallup determined that 42 percent of Americans now identify as Independents — the highest statistic ever found during the group’s 25 years of questioning.

But while the latest news from Rasmussen suggests that Americans aren’t too keen on either major congressional party, the results of another poll published by the group on Thursday reveals that Democrats are being favored a bit more than their right-wing counterparts.

According to the poll, 47 percent of the Americans polled agreed that “the Democratic Party [has] a plan for where it wants to take the nation.” Only 38 percent of those asked answered similarly with regards to the GOP.

Something that most Americans did appear to agree on, however, is getting some fresh blood onto Capitol Hill. When asked if they thought Congress was doing a good or excellent job, Rasmussen reported, only six percent answered yes.

Seventy-two percent, by contrast, said “it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November.”

The latest polling from Rasmussen was published by the group on Thursday and stems from a survey of 1,000 likely US voters conducted over Easter weekend. There is a sampling error of plus or minus three percent, with a 95 percent level of confidence.

Political parties are only an illusion. There are more powerful people who pull the strings.
Having 2 choices to pick from in elections is a false sense of choice. Third party candidates are always shunned by the mainstream media, while the politicians with the biggest corporations and bankers who back them get the glory.
Republican or Democrat? = Coke or Pepsi?
It makes no difference, both have good marketing strategies, and buy votes from the public.
Just 24 types come from one set of beliefs.

We are all unique individuals. Are we not?
At least we were born that way.

Alan Watts "You Were Born An Original, Don't Die A Copy!"

All these types came from the same beliefs too.
most developed countries have 3-6 political parties. depends somewhat if it's 'first past the post' or proportional
2 party systems are fairly anomalous. not surprised by that poll.

when in doubt listen to god. i do. he speaks to me. but only when i forget my meds
most developed countries have 3-6 political parties. depends somewhat if it's 'first past the post' or proportional
2 party systems are fairly anomalous. not surprised by that poll.

when in doubt listen to god. i do. he speaks to me. but only when i forget my meds
Our structure of Government and our style of elections almost ensures two parties.
Our structure of Government and our style of elections almost ensures two parties.
yes, those founders really buggered that one
idk seems as though St Jefferson and the like may have been human after all
I've heard people say that the founders would've been shocked
i used to agree. i think they would get certain things and be shocked by others
Here are more then 24 reasons to be a Libertarian

I think most of us understand what a "free market" fundamentalist is.

But yeah, lets privatize the roads so that rich people can have a monopoly on them (and everything else), and have even more power to steal from the rest of society. Right wing libertarianism is a philosophy FOR and BY the business class for the idiots who think that we need to make it easier for them to gobble up what little is still owned by the other classes in this country. The last thing I want is a world run completely by business. Sounds like a dystopian nightmare.

No thanks.
The Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress have a tough enough time as it is trying to find common ground with one another, but a new poll reveals that a majority of Americans can’t say they truly identify with either political party.


Source: RT

Fifty-three percent of likely United States voters told pollsters at Rasmussen recently that they believe neither of the two mainstream parties represents the American public, the research company reported this week.

According to the results of the Rasmussen poll released on Thursday, just over half of the people quizzed “think it is fair to say that neither party in Congress is the party of the American people.”

That statistic, the pollsters added, demonstrates an increase of six points during the same number of months, since only 47 percent of Americans said they agreed when Rasmussen last asked the question in October.

And just last week, a separate poll conducted by Rasmussen indicated that Congress has earned its lowest performance rating in months. That same report also revealed that only seven percent of voters believe the average congressman listens to their constituents — the lowest level of confidence to date, Rasmussen reported.

Earlier this year, competing pollsters Gallup determined that 42 percent of Americans now identify as Independents — the highest statistic ever found during the group’s 25 years of questioning.

But while the latest news from Rasmussen suggests that Americans aren’t too keen on either major congressional party, the results of another poll published by the group on Thursday reveals that Democrats are being favored a bit more than their right-wing counterparts.

According to the poll, 47 percent of the Americans polled agreed that “the Democratic Party [has] a plan for where it wants to take the nation.” Only 38 percent of those asked answered similarly with regards to the GOP.

Something that most Americans did appear to agree on, however, is getting some fresh blood onto Capitol Hill. When asked if they thought Congress was doing a good or excellent job, Rasmussen reported, only six percent answered yes.

Seventy-two percent, by contrast, said “it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November.”

The latest polling from Rasmussen was published by the group on Thursday and stems from a survey of 1,000 likely US voters conducted over Easter weekend. There is a sampling error of plus or minus three percent, with a 95 percent level of confidence.



both parties have been playing a game of musical chairs for decades.

but when conservatives stand up for conservatism, free markets and the constitution, the left screams cries, calls them racist and shits all over everything

when lefties stand up for lefty ideals they go fucking nuts, and shit all over everything



nuff said.

both parties have been playing a game of musical chairs for decades.

but when conservatives stand up for conservatism, free markets and the constitution, the left screams cries, calls them racist and shits all over everything

when lefties stand up for lefty ideals they go fucking nuts, and shit all over everything



nuff said.

too bad there's not more pictures of tens of thousands of dead americans and iraqis to illustrate a more important difference between those glorious and awesome tea partiersand the horrible, horrible left.

i like how you cried about being called racist before anyone ever pointed out your body of work though. no signs of a guilty conscience there.
yes, those founders really buggered that one
idk seems as though St Jefferson and the like may have been human after all
I've heard people say that the founders would've been shocked
i used to agree. i think they would get certain things and be shocked by others
Here is the rub, a lot has been changed since then. The founders were mostly opposed to political parties.

However, until fairly recently in our republic there has been third parties.

Democrats and Republicans work very well together at things that continue two party rule.

Most of the reforms of the past half century have an unspoken goal to prevent third party viability.

The founders made something that favored two parties, recently the two parties have enshrined it.

Keep in mind though, the founders really created this without a working model in existence yo draw experience from.