Downsizing from a 5x5 + 3x3 to a small space in closet for move.


Well-Known Member
As the title reads, I'm moving shortly and need to hide any product and living plant(s), so banging the 1600-1800 watts I have been is out of the question. Was going to either clone the shit out of my vegging plants, or just keep a few and keep trimming them back just to keep the strain alive. Which would you guys think is better? I Figured I can chop em back every so often, keep them under 100 watts of cfl or so with a small fan in veg. Figure I'll write down when I stick them in, and every 3 months, just un earth from the small pot, chop half the roots off, submerge in water, and then repot into fresh soil for additional months. So It will sort of be like a bonzai for a while. Or i could just cycle clones, which is better ?


Well-Known Member
if you keep them under say 55 watt cfl and keep them cool and dont feed them
you wont have to chop them back so much as they will not grow much
keeping them as cold as possible really slows them down nicely to keep them static for when you need them
i find some plants are annoying when you chop them back as they do not re-grow evenly
i mean some plants you can keep chopping them back many times and they spit out new shoots
evenly again back up the stem,
others grow back more stringy and vine like floppy and uneven
you have to keep these ones taller or they have hardly any shoots just leaves at the bottom


Well-Known Member
if you keep them under say 55 watt cfl and keep them cool and dont feed them
you wont have to chop them back so much as they will not grow much
keeping them as cold as possible really slows them down nicely to keep them static for when you need them
i find some plants are annoying when you chop them back as they do not re-grow evenly
i mean some plants you can keep chopping them back many times and they spit out new shoots
evenly again back up the stem,
others grow back more stringy and vine like floppy and uneven
you have to keep these ones taller or they have hardly any shoots just leaves at the bottom
I also noticed that, some i can clone the fuck out of , and they remain Christmas tree like, as long as i dont top them, others go fucking weird as shit and will have a solid main cola stemming all the way from a bottom shoot with lengths longer than 4 feet sometimes. Since im moving to a closet without much ventilation I was not going to add too many cfl's anyways to keep the temps low as possible. I was wither going to put 100-200 watts in there with probably 4 or 5 plants in cut off 2 liter containers trying to keep them small, I guess i should only use 100 watts. Not having to butcher and bend all the time would be nice.


Well-Known Member
yeh i find as soon as you put them under the big lights give em some food and heat
they spring right back into action

as long as the plant has a few healthy shoots on it, it can be brought back whenever you need it
thats why i do not like the ones that grow stringy at the bottom i like nice healthy fat little shoots at the bottom
then you can keep it as short as possible and you know it will just keep spitting out new shoots right near the bottom of the plant

they will kind of do the hibernation thing if you keep them cool

you might as an experiment want to just keep one in water in a rockwool cube or a little net pot of perlite
in just a plastic tub or something like a mini hempy bucket thing
you can add a little bit of food once in a while
it takes many weeks for them to go light green
you can trim the roots down too they will grow back without problems
if you want to keep them long term it might be easeir doing it with a little passive hydro
its easier to regulate the food to keep them stunted and they will not need any kind of re-potting
