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Ain't this the truth. :mrgreen:

:arrow:I don't hate on anything or anyone gurl. :hug:
Just teasing ya is all. :hump:

Are you hating on my fdd sig? :sad:

is it true that the women are from venus?
and dudes are from mars.....yep:hump:


chicks and stuff

there some crazy peeps
Hey! :o:shock:

Hold it a dmaned minute here.

Who you calling crazy? :shock: You talking to me?????:hump:

Yeah probably.:-?

Yes I think most chicks are a tad on the crazy side. I just happen to have been distributed more than average:hump::confused::-?
Waaa hoooo!
It arrived yesterday but just picked it up from the post office this morning.

So I am going to be busy.:hump:Its big:roll:


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I have noticed that none of the intellignet stuff i say when i am not blitzed makes it to anyones sig line.I dont know how to feel about that.:mrgreen:
I only got one white zippered bag. Does that mean I can only make one lot of bubble hash?

Anyone know?

I know I shouldn't have expecting hash making instructions but I sort of did. :|
I only got one white zippered bag. Does that mean I can only make one lot of bubble hash?

Anyone know?

I know I shouldn't have expecting hash making instructions but I sort of did. :|

yes, one zippered bag. i use about 150 - 200 grams of trim in the zipper bag. i run it 12 mins, drain the water thru the bubble bags, then add a little more ice and refill with water and run it another 12 mins and run thru the bags again. :blsmoke:

this really is a good tutorial. :mrgreen: GROWFAQ :peace:
Ahhhh.....:oops:...thank you :mrgreen:

yes, one zippered bag. i use about 150 - 200 grams of trim in the zipper bag. i run it 12 mins, drain the water thru the bubble bags, then add a little more ice and refill with water and run it another 12 mins and run thru the bags again. :blsmoke:

this really is a good tutorial. :mrgreen: GROWFAQ :peace:
turkacado sandwich?
shasty cola?

Those are really specific items but I haven't heard of them before.

I'm to put a sandwich in my hash? :o
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..................................:confused:Bubble Hash 1A- Advanced (fdd2blk)

getting started; here is what you will need.

1 bubbleator hash it...check

3 hash bags: Green - 129 microns, Blue - 70 microns, White - 23 'em...check

3 5 gallon buckets - NEW

3 2 gallon buckets - NEW...need to buy some new ones.:blsmoke:

a lot of ice, i'm starting with 80 lbs. i have a long that much...maybe I will start off wif half that :blsmoke:

1 turkacado sandwich....not that hungry thanks......NOTE: good lesson on reading instructions beforehand :roll:

1 bags of nacho cheese Bugles........need them:blsmoke:

Shasta cola........will need to substitute wif another noname brand or sumthin.:blsmoke:

1 pressing screen......I am NOT sure what this is.:confused::confused::confused:

a couple of CLEAN 'em...check

a hooka.........:cry:nope

friends who some flakey friends:hump:

a spoon.......well yeah:mrgreen:

a plastic piece of firm card....not sure what you mean by this either.....whats a firm card? :oops: it

I forgot the most important thing, a bunch of dried trim. NOTE: About the trim. I have read several different things about adding trim. Most of which have said not to add the stalk as it may rip the bags.:confused:???

Now we have it!

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Yo dude. I'm sorry but you lose your way or soemthing?
Here let me escort you back to the politics section. :?
There you go.:evil:

I neither liked to be all coked up nor do I like to be all xanxed down.
Not into drugs.

I do weed:shock: and I like variety....tis the spice of life.

i meant the sativa and indica high is like that i had some haze thats was an upper like coke, and ive had some sativas that where a narcotic couch lock like xanax.
hope that makes a little more sense.
a pressing screen is a small piece of screen that often comes with the bags. it's just a small square of screen that i use to squeeze excess water out of the hash after it is scoped out of the bags.

the firm plastic card is just a "scraper" i use to scrape the hash off the bags when it's wet. you can get away with just using the spoon for this.

i used 80 pounds of ice but i did several batches. i think 40 pounds is enough for 1 batch. it's better to have too much ice laying around then not enough. it sucks having to run to the store for more in the middle of everything.

"turkacado" is turkey with avocado. :)
Oh!! :|

Ok then yes it does....cause I didn't have a clue what you meant.:confused:
i meant the sativa and indica high is like that i had some haze thats was an upper like coke, and ive had some sativas that where a narcotic couch lock like xanax.
hope that makes a little more sense.
yep! It does. :mrgreen::peace:

I have had what I presume to be a sativa that has sent me into a panic attack in 0 to 20 seconds flat.:twisted:
Yes and smoked some that just has given me a headache, made me hungry and then crashed an hour later. :confused: Its great to finally learn more about the different strains and how I react them and not just how the general public does :mrgreen::peace:
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