Mold and deer. My two biggest enemies


So I've has a fun couple years going to war with both deer and mold also the occasional gopher leaning up against my fences chomping down on my plants while I walk up but I digress. What are some or the methods you guys have done to keep these problems at bay. I haven't had a lot of mold issues, but I've used a variety of things for deer hair, piss, coyote urine, bring my dog with me but they seem to always get used to what ever it is I do and out smart me.
Circle chicken wire around each plant about 6' tall that's the only way to stop deer. Brace it well so they can't knock it over. I've used dog hair, piss, pinwheels, etc... The deer around here are related to the honey badger.. They don't give a damn... Fence it and be done with it... Bury a 1' tall piece underground around it to stop the burrowing critters..
Enclose your plants with deer netting at least six feet tall.
This is the only way I was able to stop the voracious bastards.

Although the chicken wire suggestion above should work as well.

Moth balls, soap shavings, predator urine, human urine have all failed for me.
Some people have had success battling mold using serenade. Of course a morning sun and breezy spot along with good genetics never hurts either. Deer? Pot brownies might give them something to think about...
Ahh.. deer. One of my biggest problems. In my area, they are freaking relentless. I guerilla grow and I've found that when I clear my plots, if I take the branches and use them as a kind of natural fencing around the plot itself and also fence in my ladies with either chicken wire or that plastic deer fencing, for the first month and a half or so (til the middle of June here) that it normally does the trick. When the deer have their natural food supply and my plants are mature, for the most part, they leave my MJ alone. The one plot even had a deer trail right through the middle of it and now they just go around. Remember..with those bastards, redundancy is key.
go to the shopping center buy 3 dif kinds of hot peppers. add a gallon of water blend them up let sit for day strain. pour in a sprayer spray your plants....wear eye protection gloves and dont breath. i mix in some neem and it sticks around on thwe plants longer lasts about a week. also kills bugs and helps with some mold... i grow some peppers and freeze them just for this every yr.
Thanks guys. I already buried some wired fencing about 8" deep I don't usually have to much trouble with underground critters. My patch is surrounded on every side with about 50 yards of grizzly looking( and feeling) thorn bushes I'm honestly amazed any deer can even make it in. I wish hunting season was all year round because my 30 06 would be put to good use allllll year round. Good luck to everyone this year.
Ahh.. deer. One of my biggest problems. In my area, they are freaking relentless. I guerilla grow and I've found that when I clear my plots, if I take the branches and use them as a kind of natural fencing around the plot itself and also fence in my ladies with either chicken wire or that plastic deer fencing, for the first month and a half or so (til the middle of June here) that it normally does the trick. When the deer have their natural food supply and my plants are mature, for the most part, they leave my MJ alone. The one plot even had a deer trail right through the middle of it and now they just go around. Remember..with those bastards, redundancy is key.

Ive had deer jump over my 6 foot fence into my back yard to munch on my veggie garden. If theyre hungry enough they'll get their food!
Ive had deer jump over my 6 foot fence into my back yard to munch on my veggie garden. If theyre hungry enough they'll get their food!

I live on old farmland so there is a great deal of their natural food around towards the middle of June.. they've only ever eaten my baby plants and actually topped one for me last year lol. I feed them corn and sweet grain on opposite ends of where my plots are located in an effort to keep them full. Last year I kept hearing rustling outside one night and went outside to check it out. Turns out that a doe had jumped the 6' fence into my veggie garden and I spooked it. I've never seen this before and probably never will again but that doe jumped backwards back over the fence. It was the craziest shit I've ever seen. every time. Nuisance law.
I live on old farmland so there is a great deal of their natural food around towards the middle of June.. they've only ever eaten my baby plants and actually topped one for me last year lol. I feed them corn and sweet grain on opposite ends of where my plots are located in an effort to keep them full. Last year I kept hearing rustling outside one night and went outside to check it out. Turns out that a doe had jumped the 6' fence into my veggie garden and I spooked it. I've never seen this before and probably never will again but that doe jumped backwards back over the fence. It was the craziest shit I've ever seen.
that gave me a good ole chuckle lmao. I had the most amazing mental image of the deer just jumping backwards over the fence and I couldn't help but actualy lol which doesn't actualy happen a lot from internet readings!
go to the shopping center buy 3 dif kinds of hot peppers. add a gallon of water blend them up let sit for day strain. pour in a sprayer spray your plants....wear eye protection gloves and dont breath. i mix in some neem and it sticks around on thwe plants longer lasts about a week. also kills bugs and helps with some mold... i grow some peppers and freeze them just for this every yr.

This? Seems so simple...but so perfect! I've never actualy used neem what does it actualy do?
I don't know how stealth you need to be but putting a fence around your plants make them very noticeable! Try Liquid Fence yet? It's made up of rotten eggs, garlic, & oil. It's worked well for me with my gorilla growing. I grow on other peoples property so a fence isn't very smart!
Wire + A couple car batteries, couple of stakes, etc = Electric fence. Not sure how often you will have to recharge the batteries (have not done it, although theoretically it could work)

Bring a pistol / bow and kill something and leave it to rot near by = Smell of death = "danger". Preferably kill a deer, harvest meat and leave the rest, the smell will last quite a while if something does not pick it clean.

Solar power radio on blast should keep the deer away (talk radio station), humans scare them and they spook easy (although this will easily draw nearby humans to the grow)

Just a few that popped in my head. Hope it helps.
Get a motion sensor activated speaker. Like one of those things that scream at you when you walk through the IR beam. This way, it only makes noise when something is near, and the sudden unnatural noise is sure to scare off any deer.

that gave me a good ole chuckle lmao. I had the most amazing mental image of the deer just jumping backwards over the fence and I couldn't help but actualy lol which doesn't actualy happen a lot from internet readings!

I didn't think it could happen either. . never actually thought about it until I saw it. I guess when they feel threatened or cornered, they will do or try just about anything to get the hell outta dodge. And I actually just spent a few minutes trying to find some info on it but couldn't find anything. Wish my security cams pointed in that direction, would've made a great youtube video.
I had a few of my babies planted behind an old unused barn last year and early one morning noticed that there was a deer nearby grazing. I thought it'd be a good idea to get out the trusty old BB gun and shoot the side of the barn to scare it off. Well, with my great luck, the deer jumped the fence behind the barn and trampled one of my plants. I was so pissed at myself.
you would place it right beside your plants and it wouldn't be music. If someone get's that close, chances are they've definitely found your plants already. And you shouldn't use it if your location is close to civilization.