Black goat 420
Active Member
I'm in West Virginia.should be unless its attitude thru Chicago......
I'm in West Virginia.should be unless its attitude thru Chicago......
I might get the "BIG BUD" seed looks divineeven then tho I haven't seen a bunch of bitchin about attitude thru Chicago lately so the coast might be clear.....
I'm growing three right now and just put my first one in the dark closet for flower, I estimate it will yield about a quarter to a half ounce (if it's a female) i just need something to smoke I live in a place where I know no one. Loltake it easy on yourself.. start w something easy to grow more suited to indoor......
Martin Luther King?every city has a MLK......
Do you know of a legit and discreet site to order seeds from?Your right ffof does have most of that but not in the amounts necessary to get your.plant through flower.
And chicago seems to be getting better, just had an order come through there this week. Didnt have any probs when i ordered around the same time frim them last year either
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LMAO!probably sounds racist but its true... so I don't care.....
Attitude is the better option for my first time?I have only ever used attitude and nirvana. Nirvanas stealth shipping was a little stealthier, never the same packaging. Attitude has a better selection of genetics tho imo. Pluss attitude goves you a tracking number and are a little quicker to your door than nirvana
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I have had my only 2 seed orders from attitude, came thru chicago while all the problems with peoples beans getting snagged was going on. Got both packages in about 9 days. And thanks woody for letting me know wiggle worm sucks, been using it for several months with very good results while my worm bin gets going. Now im excited to use the good stuff after seeing great results with an inferior product.