Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Well shit. lol Its all good. I dont plan on being here long. Gotta do some more running yet again today. Little one has a Dr apt. So gotta go pick her up early from school. Holler sometime.
Looking good Dank ;) remember to save some! Haha Would've been on more last night but went to see the babies since I hadn't seen them since just b4 surgery. You know me, was missing them like crazy...hadn't been checking email, got an alert saying I had 34 messages this morn and seen yours ;)well hey, been up all night watching the damn storms, gonna catch a lil shuteye whle its somewhat paused Lol.., hopefully my internet won't fuck up and I'll catch up with you later.


Active Member
I would like to breed a couple different ones to see if the flavor combination is what im expecting. Are you allowed to give out e-mail addresses on here. I was going to give you mine as I have personal things to discuss. And do you have any strains that at the bottom of the plant the leaves have 13 fingers. Then as you go from the bottom up it goes to 11, 9, 7, 5 ,and 3. All add numbers but I had to ask?


Well-Known Member
Im having a problem figuring the pm out. It isn't working for me. Just explain it to me how to pm when your not busy.
You got it figured out buddy :confused:
She looks like she's going to be a beast...Awesome..:clap:
Thanks bro. Which one the Brush Hog :confused: yeah, that thought has crossed my mind as well. ;) Going to try & keep her tied up. I may even send her back into veg for awhile to fill out a tad bit more & supper-crop. Going to try & get max weight out of this lady. bump.gif
Dank.......... 2 days man....... lots of info still required.............

Smokers- click on Dankster's name, a window will pop up. click "Start a Conversation" located almost directly in the middle of the window. that is all you need to do.
sheww. I know right bro. ;) It will work out. Soon. Been strapped. lol
Hope she's doing okay ;)
yeah she is ok. thanks 4 asking. just a checkup. ;)


Well-Known Member
You got it figured out buddy :confused:
Thanks bro. Which one the Brush Hog :confused: yeah, that thought has crossed my mind as well. ;) Going to try & keep her tied up. I may even send her back into veg for awhile to fill out a tad bit more & supper-crop. Going to try & get max weight out of this lady. View attachment 3141164
sheww. I know right bro. ;) It will work out. Soon. Been strapped. lol
yeah she is ok. thanks 4 asking. just a checkup. ;)
So glad to hear that...the ladies are looking great as usual, the MS are filling in so nice! ;) What's that DD crossed with? I know Diesel...but you've done so many new hybrids I am having trouble keeping up ;) boy is that bank gonna be awesome!


Well-Known Member
haha.. ;) Thanks. Yeah the Marie's Sapphire is 4 real turning out to be massive. Damn cola's are just now starting to pack on the weight. She still has tons of white pistols on her bottom. ;) so she still has a few weeks to go. They should be really,really nice by then. The DD is a Humbolt strain I am working with. Dont really know what her future holds as of yet. But I will try & make it interesting, and a heavy hitter thats 4 sure. ;)
So glad to hear that...the ladies are looking great as usual, the MS are filling in so nice! ;) What's that DD crossed with? I know Diesel...but you've done so many new hybrids I am having trouble keeping up ;) boy is that bank gonna be awesome!
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