Do my babies look healthy?

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
As this is my first grow, I find myself being very paranoid about the health of my little girls, looking at them many times throughout the day and wondering if they're progressing normally. I figure the best way to find out if they're doing well is by asking people who know better than I do. So here we are.

Here's the timeline:

- I got five seeds on Thursday afternoon and started germinating in paper towel right away.
- By Friday afternoon they had all popped, so I buried them in about a half inch of soil.
- By Sunday morning all five of them were up and out of the soil.

It's now Tuesday morning and I'm noticing that some of the cotyledons are starting to curl down a little. Is it normal for this to happen at this stage, or is it a sign that there's something wrong? Also, do they look like they're stretching more than they should be? I've kept the light only a couple inches away since they've poked their heads out, but it's not a very strong light. I noticed yesterday that one of them already had a root poking out of a hole in the bottom of the cup, so I assume the roots are growing nicely. I'm going to put them into one gallon pots soon, but I don't want to do it too soon and damage the roots. Are they almost ready for this?

The soil is wet because I just watered them before I took the pictures. I only water them when the soil has dried up, and I use tap water that has sat out overnight.

So are they doing what they should be doing at this stage? Do they look healthy, or is there something I need to be doing differently? I appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. P1030831.JPG P1030832.JPG P1030833.JPG


Well-Known Member
There looking great. keep up the good work but remember to not over water as at this stage it can be very easy to do. No need to feed any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks as the little ones are self sufficient. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
There looking great. keep up the good work but remember to not over water as at this stage it can be very easy to do. No need to feed any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks as the little ones are self sufficient. Good luck!!
Could not have said it any better. Looking good man. Keep up the good work !! (:

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I'm so paranoid about hurting them, but it sure puts my mind at ease to hear that they're doing well. I really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I'm so paranoid about hurting them, but it sure puts my mind at ease to hear that they're doing well. I really appreciate it!
Growing should be fun and interesting. Learning about this wonderful plant is very interesting. No need to be paranoid about your babies. Have Fun and if ya mess up, make sure you learn the lesson that has been taught and then, continue to have Fun !! :P


Active Member
Try getting into smoking meat.... Whole different ballpark when she won't let you concrete the garden to build a smokehouse!

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Growing should be fun and interesting. Learning about this wonderful plant is very interesting. No need to be paranoid about your babies. Have Fun and if ya mess up, make sure you learn the lesson that has been taught and then, continue to have Fun !! :P
I'm definitely having fun with it so far, but I do find that I'm a bit overly concerned about them. It reminds me of when my kids were just little, except I don't plan on smoking my kids when they fully mature :)


Well-Known Member
Look perfect to me, might wanna get some perlite for that soil though and make sure those cups drain, seedlings are very sensitive to over watering


Well-Known Member
As this is my first grow, I find myself being very paranoid about the health of my little girls, looking at them many times throughout the day and wondering if they're progressing normally. I figure the best way to find out if they're doing well is by asking people who know better than I do. So here we are.

Here's the timeline:

- I got five seeds on Thursday afternoon and started germinating in paper towel right away.
- By Friday afternoon they had all popped, so I buried them in about a half inch of soil.
- By Sunday morning all five of them were up and out of the soil.

It's now Tuesday morning and I'm noticing that some of the cotyledons are starting to curl down a little. Is it normal for this to happen at this stage, or is it a sign that there's something wrong? Also, do they look like they're stretching more than they should be? I've kept the light only a couple inches away since they've poked their heads out, but it's not a very strong light. I noticed yesterday that one of them already had a root poking out of a hole in the bottom of the cup, so I assume the roots are growing nicely. I'm going to put them into one gallon pots soon, but I don't want to do it too soon and damage the roots. Are they almost ready for this?

The soil is wet because I just watered them before I took the pictures. I only water them when the soil has dried up, and I use tap water that has sat out overnight.

So are they doing what they should be doing at this stage? Do they look healthy, or is there something I need to be doing differently? I appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. View attachment 3140747 View attachment 3140748 View attachment 3140749

looks great im subbd up are you planting inside or out?

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
There looking great. keep up the good work but remember to not over water as at this stage it can be very easy to do. No nneed to feed any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks as the little ones are self sufficient. Good luck!!
i like the way your worried...
If it makes you feel any better, my wife is disappointed with pretty much everything I do :)
tarts fucking a nigga that defoliates trees and has a horrid scottish accent and is short and therefore undesirble like a taff .


Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Give them a few weeks before you do that
Will they be okay in these little cups for a couple weeks? The light I'm using is only 24 inches and won't be big enough if I put them in bigger pots. I already saw a root poking through the bottom on one of them yesterday. I really don't want to buy another light.


Well-Known Member
yes theyll be fine. its not optimal by any means but theyll be fine. i have noticed a huge size diffrence from clones planted straight into a 5g pot VS 1g 3g or dixie cups. and by far the biggest and fastest are the ones that go in the 5g first.

i know your running seeds but get your final containers ready to go in the next couple weeks and hopefullt the plants are big enought to start acclimating to outside.

im not putting anything outside untill june1-15 sometime, i have about 30 clones rooted right now and need to cut another tray this week after those go into dirt. straight to 3g pots for now and veg for a a month or so before the get put out.
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Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
yes theyll be fine. its not optimal by any means but theyll be fine. i have noticed a huge size diffrence from clones planted straight into a 5g pot VS 1g 3g or dixie cups. and by far the biggest and fastest are the ones that go in the 5g first. no up-potting no transplanting all around time saved.
Good to know. Thanks for the advice!