by not mentioning race, and the special privileges deserved by certain groups to compensate them for injustices (real or imagined) in the distant past you failed to celebrate diversity.
equal treatment is UNFAIR, cuz some pigs are more equal than others.
Do you think this is the same with women ?
some folk think women should be given precedence over men with equal qualification
for instance to redress the balance in parliament where there are less women
some attribute this lack of female mp's directly to women having received unfair or unequal treatment in the past
sounds very similar to the affirmative action policy for race
if it could be established that a particular section of society did receive unfair treatment in the past
should they be compensated ?
if so how many generations back could one claim for ?
if it is decided that the African race has suffered more than the Asian race
how would a system be implemented so that Africans can take precedence over Asians
what if it is then discovered that women have suffered more than Africans and Asians
how are they going to make sure that the womens committee for African womens rights to abortion has enough African women on it ?
do you think the sentiment behind affirmative action is correct if it is to redress a past wrong?
a form of compensation i guess
personally i do not know what the solution would be, or weather anyone should be compensated after 200 years 500 years ?
1000 years ? what is the cut off point to compensate past wrongs of history
should current generations suffer should an Asian dude not get a job for the only reason he is not African or not a woman ?
is it important to have women on committees for breast cancer or could men do the job just as well ?
dr kynes how would you solve this issue or do you not see it as a problem, just wipe the slate clean and let the best man/woman/African/Asian have the job ?
i like to be nice and i feel people that have been wronged deserve some compensation but should this come at the expense of innocent people ?