The good, the bad, and the ugly (states to grow in)


Well-Known Member
yep, in cali cool cops even hand your bud and pipe back. under your other things though, so ppl wont see.


Well-Known Member
yep, in cali cool cops even hand your bud and pipe back. under your other things though, so ppl wont see.
yeah but I remebmer even 4-5 years ago being busted WITH a medical card. Some cops are jack asses. They said "that shit don't fly around here". I was like BS! Its a CA law and all but I went to jail 2 times for a total of a month and a half!! Lately they have been way nicer. Got caulght with 2 oz of purple erkle kief and the cop actually knew what the kief was and how it was made. I showed him my reccomendation (he had pulled me to the side from the rest of the group) and he was like "sit your ass on the curb" and fucked with the rest of the group.:hump:


Well-Known Member
hhaha thats sick. i love when something like that happends.. :hump:

my friends have usually almost gotten in trouble for having his bud in the truck and ppl in his car.


Well-Known Member
what the law in indiana?
Not that bad compared to these other states apparently lol. Possession of 30 grams or less is a misdemeanor and first offenses they will usually just take it from you. If you're growing anymore than 30 grams it's a felony and the prison time can range from 2 - 8 years.


Well-Known Member
I call shenanigans. Source your info.

There is no such camera. There is no special heat signature coming from a pot plant, no magic THC-detecting camera lens, just pictures and eyeballs.

The marijuana tax stamp is a Federal thing, passed back in 1939 with the help of ol' Harry Anslinger.

While you're doing research before you post next time, you might want to give some thought to spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.

Theres no special camera however they have a heat sensor that they use to detect heat, if you have a big grow op in your house it will show theres a mass amount of heat or energy in your house running all the lights and everything, and therefore heat you out!!! they use them in canada to find big grow ops!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DryGrain
I call shenanigans. Source your info.

Im sorry you are correct I did not type what I was reading. The daniel Boone National Forrest area is the largest producing area. This is made up of KY and TN. They slightly produced more plants than California last year. Interestingly the seizure rate was more than twice that in KY & TN vs. CA
These numbers can be found on several sites NORML, DEA etc.

This is the information I want you to source. How do you know how many plants were successfully harvested in either place? All you can go by is how much was seized, which has little bearing on how much was actually produced and more to do with local enforcement budgets.

Please read this from this was from 2000. It is my understanding that the technology is much more advanced now.
Funny how ORINCON's website doesn't work. The details in the article you posted sounds like an overly technical description of modern camera equipment. There is no way to differentiate marijuana from other plants from the air other than a visual check by a human being.

Just because Im from the Commonwealth doesn't mean Im a inbread hillybilly! A redneck maybe LOL. I have plenty of research as you might find if you take the time to read the links provided. About the spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs you are correct I will try harder for you, the beer gets the better of me at night, sorry. You would think that my agriculture degree from the University of Kentucky would have covered grammer, guess not.
I'm wondering if you can source your information regarding spectral photography with a more reputable source than a article. It's true that they use infrared cameras to detect possible indoor grows, but the technology you described is the stuff of urban legend.


Well-Known Member
Ive been pulled over so many times now and cops find my weed and I just pull out my prescription like blaow bitches :blsmoke: they always get all pissed, california is the shit


Well-Known Member
Just because Im from the Commonwealth doesn't mean Im a inbread hillybilly! A redneck maybe LOL. I have plenty of research as you might find if you take the time to read the links provided. About the spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs you are correct I will try harder for you, the beer gets the better of me at night, sorry. You would think that my agriculture degree from the University of Kentucky would have covered grammer, guess not.

Don't you just love it when someone accuses you of not doing your research when you actually did....AND.... have links to back it up?
Good work +rep.
One more thing...I guess they didn't teach spelling either...."grammer?" LOL


Well-Known Member
All I hear from cops is that they cant wait untill is legal and regulated. My sister was caught selling weed to a minor and in the end she only ended up paying a fine. I have a reccomendation for 20 immature and 10 mature plants and 3 lbs of dried or processed cannabis.


Well-Known Member
ive been wondering about how easy it is to get a medical card in california. ive heard that you can just walk into a doctors office and slip him a 50 and get one. i find this kind of hard to believe.

is there anyone on here who has a medical card or something like that for a condition that they do not actually have?

do you have to know someone to get it or is it actually this easy?

are there any conditions that are easy enough to fake to get one?


Well-Known Member
basically there are doctors all over the place here that that is all they do all day is give out prescriptions....As long as you got $125, you can get your prescription, trust me it is that easy


Well-Known Member
basically there are doctors all over the place here that that is all they do all day is give out prescriptions....As long as you got $125, you can get your prescription, trust me it is that easy
thats incredible. do they need proof of residency or anything like that? if you go into another state carrying will the prescription work or does it depend on the law there?


Well-Known Member

This is the information I want you to source. How do you know how many plants were successfully harvested in either place? All you can go by is how much was seized, which has little bearing on how much was actually produced and more to do with local enforcement budgets.

I agree I don't know 100% on how many was harvested. We don't call and report that. Im going by the DEA estimates. The 1997 numbers are CA 693,603 eradicated, harvested 2,080,809. Daniel Boone 65 Counties 1,617,406 eradicated, harvested 2,098,447. Again these are the 1997 numbers. The DEA states locally that the numbers have increased here more. You can believe them or not. Regularly they have info like this in the local papers here. They use it as propaganda.

Funny how ORINCON's website doesn't work. The details in the article you posted sounds like an overly technical description of modern camera equipment. There is no way to differentiate marijuana from other plants from the air other than a visual check by a human being.

Lockheed Martin Orincon Corporation (originally ORINCON Corporation International) is a [URL=""]systems integration
and information technology company that supports Lockheed Martin's position in the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) industry.

In 1990, Orincon's primary business was antisubmarine warfare; however, the U.S. Navy deprioritized antisubmarine warfare technology spending in anticipation of the end of the Soviet Union. Despite the hardship of transformation in the 1990s, Orincon grew by 25 percent in 1998. In fact, until Lockheed Martin acquired Orincon in June 2003, Orincon experienced growth every year since its inception. Orincon's customers have included, but are not limited to, the United States Navy, Department of Transportation, National Cancer Research Institute, and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Orincon developed the Intelligent Vehicle Sensor as part of its Airport Classification and Tracking System (ACATS). From 1990 to 1998, there were five fatal ground collisions on U.S. airport runways, and in 1996, there were 280 near misses. The sensor was installed at Long Beach Airport to track airplanes on the ground to avoid runway incursions
They have 250 employees and posted a revenue of 52 million in 2003.

Maybe you have heard of Lockheed Martin one of the biggest companies in the US? They have 140,000 employees with a 2007 revenue of 41.862 Billion USD.

I'm wondering if you can source your information regarding spectral photography with a more reputable source than a article. It's true that they use infrared cameras to detect possible indoor grows, but the technology you described is the stuff of urban legend. ran the article as well.
This company offer the same technology.
Applications of Hyperspectral, Spectral Imaging and Imaging Spectrometer Systems
Read the last page.



Well-Known Member
Kidding I hate when people post crazy shit on here without evidence, research, or just good logic. Im not one of them though...


Well-Known Member
That's great. Do you have anything not from a marijuana-based site that proves this technology exists? Because I think it's a load of bullshit perpetuated by paranoid growers. Helicopters can't see. Camera's can't see. People can see.

Regarding medical marijuana law in California; see my signature.