New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

thump easy

Well-Known Member
He'll no those caterpillars r lethal they only eat the mugs the been eating my seeds!!! Lil fuckers I'd share with them if only they stayed on one branch!!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
] Lolz I seen it on a video game on lining plants vs zombies game for Xbox 1 thought it sounded great!! But I'm gona keep it to smurffet og.. All the all stars pluss GDP how she has grown up!!!! Just saying gotta get king Luis n wifi in there some how... One of my patients likes me I will be sipping on this tonight or tomorrow it always great to try some new beer.. Just duchesse de Bourgogne ??? Ill let u know
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thump easy

Well-Known Member
fuck gee no lie this round thess lil fucken worms man i have been against harsh pesticides since my scare with the doc.. also looking into no more chemicals with self life on the bottle.. i wnt out side and they been just zeroing on the this one plant i got them in the others but very lil i sit outside me and my budy and just use the tweezers from the lab insurments fucken become a pro with those things but new key board fucken thing feel so hard and rought my fingers already got tired need to get a more confortable one any ways ya they got nugs and they just ate out the seeds i got scared and pulled her and some are still green??? fuck man i hate that i jumped the gun but if only you could see no mights no thrips no aphids just those lil pesky fucken worms they like this one the most??? one day i pulled 15 off of this lil plant and since yield was what i was looking for before im still a yield man with a punch i have to say i have destroyed some realy good one i should have kept.. well what ever the case may be i dont want to sell seeds to the public so it doesnt mater... but still always just trien to make work funn.. and thats all im realy trien to do.. i was so upset at the cater pillers why didnt they jump on the big black or alien headband or the gsc??? why this one!!i threw away all the seed pods but relized i wanted to photo graph them and only found one pod lolz ow well they like this one thow and so does my budie i cut it down without flushing becase i dont care for the flower i only want the seeds so i can get a male i will revege the one branch i left outside just gota corinteen the sucker first away from my others and my budy sead he dont care its not flushed he want to smoke it lolz but its not my goal yet it dont compleate but if you want to fucken cough your lungs out go ahead lolz... hear is a seed eaten away by the lil worms lil fuckers!!!! and thier is the pvc glue i alway redo my manifolds in the eazy cloner and in my turbo cloner i like them both but i like the turbo cloner better i got a few ajustments i want to make on bother of them i will talk about that as soon as i can get ahold of a good 3d printer i will make the adjustment the way they should be made to make a kick ass one ill show that later 003.JPG .. but everything has the right to live i had to take them out??? light is in everthing i had no right to kill them but i had too to bad i cant have chickens..001.JPG002.JPG
yoda alien skywalker x platnuim cookies gdp male kinda getting tired of the cookies no more after this im done with the cookies ill try to just do hevy hitting strains and if the dont yield thats fine as long as they kick your ass like a straight ass kicking like you aint never had...


Active Member
What it do bra? Sorry I dissapeared lol almost died and shit. From a damn dental filling. I'm good tho. Are seeds supposed to dry for a couple months before I use them or are they good right away? I tried some of my purple kush seeds and only like half are popping but they're only a few weeks old.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
some pop right after i pull them but i could be wrong give them a couple of weeks i would say some pop in the nug no lie in the aroe system..


Active Member
Lolz that sou D's funny but for some reason I know or serious OK bout to check out of.g raskal stuff what's his best strain man?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well white fire og is dope gee its one my number one next to king lui as of the most potent strains i ever grown i have grown over 200 strains these are white fire og.. man if you want your rep to come back into comision and get recognized once more this is a must strain to pop that collar once more and let them know what you got aint no joke and you will not go down on quality ever they must respect and not budge and they will know you dont fuck around i no longer vend to my clinics they dont respect the quality and they dont respect the work but this hear no mater what you grow in the is fucken slamm those fuckers to the couch and it will be couch lock for realz they wont be able to get up as if heroin has just been administerd to thier body their soul will be pulled down into the couch even muchies will be to far away for them and you will be acuzzed of lacing the buds.. one day at a time please 022.JPG but if your rep licence is done and you need a renewd licence for dankness the real shit than i sugest you try this and you wont be sorry i dont get paid for these advertisments i just know that i wont lie to you about hype and i only like to grow dank buds when its time to show them its only my last card if i have to prove something but she wont yield he has a fire og and that thier is also dank but the white and the fire was the best thing that ever happend!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
and this hear is his fire og i havent tried anymore of his stuff only because i been bizzy doing other strains always on the search for the biger yields but only because people want volume over quality and i do both but low yielders i dont.. she is one of the best ever in my book and i dont fuck around even swerves genetics he not so hot right know and to tell you the truth i seen better shit from him than alot of other stuff i have ran.. but raskal is one of my favorites.. and his white doesnt fuck around either.. im sorry i got a fucken asome ass pic but it wont post for some reason..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit i just checked my fire wall people are always trien to hack me i dont know why i dont got anything good other than pics and i took my old girlfriends NAKED PICS down cuz im in a relationship/????? but that would have been worth hacking then!!!!! fuckers!!!!!! WELL HEAR IS SOMETHING WORTH HACKING SAME FEELING YOU GET FROM A VERY NICE AND JUICEY GIRL IN ALL HER QUALITIES FOR SHURE AND I DONT DATE UGLY GIRLS this pollen shit its not scarry!!! 001.JPGFIRE OG YIELDS LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER...