Question about types of HID light


Active Member
Hi guys and gals, wasn't sure whether to post in newby central, but as my question is relating to lights, here goes.

I am currently raising my seedlings under a 250W metal halide. After cocking up the feed initially, all seems to be getting back on track. For when I eventually get to flowering, I have a 600W HPS bulb to switch to. I understand why MH is preferable for veg and HPS is preferable for flower, and am not thinking of changing my setup, but I'm curious about something:

- Is there a point at which the increased wattage of a high watt HPS bulb becomes superior - for vegetative growth - to a lower watt MH?

For example, would 600 watts of HPS be better for veg than 125 watts of MH?


Well-Known Member
MH has a more appropriate spectrum for vegetative growth, and you honestly don't a need tremendous amount of light for vegging. It'd be different if you needed to cover a larger area to fit more plants. THEN, I would say switch. And by the way, are you using separate ballasts? I hope so. Or a dimmable one at least.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply UncleReemis. As I say I'm not contemplating switching. I understand the benefit of the MH bulb's spectrum, not to mention the cost benefit of running a 250W bulb vs a 600W 24 hours a day, or the fact that a 600W sodium would probably fry my babies!

It was more out of curiosity as to whether there was a point at which light intensity kinda overruled the spectrum benefit.

And yes, I have a digital dimmable ballast, it's great. Nice and cool!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply UncleReemis. As I say I'm not contemplating switching. I understand the benefit of the MH bulb's spectrum, not to mention the cost benefit of running a 250W bulb vs a 600W 24 hours a day, or the fact that a 600W sodium would probably fry my babies!

It was more out of curiosity as to whether there was a point at which light intensity kinda overruled the spectrum benefit.

And yes, I have a digital dimmable ballast, it's great. Nice and cool!
I think there is a point. Where, exactly? Well, I'm unsure. lol